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SECTION-A Q1. Read the following poem and answer the questionsThere was one pet which grandfather could not keep for long. Grandmother was tolerant of most birds and animals, but she drew the line at reptiles. Grandfather should have known that there was a little chance of his being allowed to keep a python. He never could resist buying unusual pets , and he paid a snake charmer in the bazaar the sum of rupees five for young four foot python that was on display to a crowd of eager boys and girls. Grandfather impressed the gathering by slinging the python over his shoulders and walking home with it. When grandma came out on the verandah she nearly fainted at the sight of the python curled round grandfathers throat.It will strangle you to death, she cried .Get rid of him at once!.

i)Drew the line- means a. Setting limits b. scolding c. crossing limits

ii) Why was there little chance of being allowed to keep a python? a. Grandma hated all animals and birds. b. Grandma could not tolerate reptiles as pets c. She that the python wouldnt live long.

iii) Why was the gathering impressed? a. The python would show tricks b. It was a four foot long python

iv) Grandma nearly fainted becausea. She was scared that the python might kill grandpa b.Grandpa already had many pets c. It was a four foot long python SECTION-B
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (Determiners, prepositions)

Half an hour later, Swaminathan sat in his fathers room, with a slate in his hand. They were in a serious mood. Father dictated Rama has ten mangoes from which he wants to earn fifteen annas. Krishna wants only four mangoes .How much will Krishna have to pay? Swami gazed and gazed at the sum, and after some time he read it, it seemed to acquire a new meaning. He had a feeling of having stepped into a fearful maze. SECTION-D 1. Justify the title Two gentlemen of Verona. 2. How did the two brothers take care of their sister? 3. I am a lake State and explain the figure of speech in this line. 4. Why does the poet compare the lady to a fish? SECTION-D 1. Draw character sketch of Annes father. 2. Who was Hello?

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