DKG July 2013 Newsletter

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Alpha Delta State: Phi Chapter Chat

Ju l y 2013 Vol u me 8, Issu e 1

President: Lynn Asente 1st Vice President: Carol Hulsemann 2nd Vice President: Barb Baltrinic Treasurer: Diana Jones Assistant Treasurer: Mary Jean Lyon Recording Secretary: Donna Curfman Corresponding Sec.: Phyllis Woodrum

Presidents News
Hello Ladies here is my first newsletter of the 2013-2014 year. Hope I cover everything and encourage you to get ready for a great year with Delta Kappa Gamma. Let me just say thank you to all of you for your continued interest and support of our chapter. Our first meeting will be July 8, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. at Panera Bread on Howe Road in their meeting room. Many of you have already responded that you will attend. Just let me know if you can make it. You can email me at or call me at 330-929-7110. We will discuss our program for the upcoming year as well as sign up for offices, committees, and scholarship basket raffles. We will also determine our service project for our next year. Here is a brief overview of what we have planned for our meetings: September meeting time and date to be announced; we are considering a few options that include a meeting at Love Furniture, a train ride through the Cuyahoga Valley, a play at Actors Summit, Coach House, or Weathervane. Sale of Barb Baltrinics novel will be addressed; see November meeting topic and other information in this newsletter.


October 17, 2013 other details to follow; we will have Dr. Mari Halkovich talk about the Ohio First Ladies and their vintage jewelry and clothing. This will probably be a dinner meeting with other chapters who expressed interest in joining us when it was suggested at the May Founders Day Luncheon.

Have a restful and happy summer

November date to be determined; we will meet at my house and have a book club and dinner. Barb Baltrinic will lead the discussion after members have read her novel, A

Phi Chapter Chat

or visit her webpage at

Volume 8, Issue 1

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perform, you know that they are a true Akron treasure.

December 14, 2013

Judy White has

Just a few more tidbits: Kay Franks took our last donation to Open M after she received a donation at our Founders Day event in May. We were featured in the Open M April newsletter in their Kudos Corner for all of our help with their newlyestablished pre-school. Thanks to all of you for your continued generosity and support; Kay, thanks for all of your shopping and delivering of the many items that we gave to them. Job well done, ladies. Speaking of Founders Day, we had a wonderful brunch at Prestwick Country Club to celebrate our 75th birthday. Jim Tressel was a great speaker, three scholarships to area education students were awarded as well as a graduate studies scholarship to a member of Delta Kappa Gamma. Phi was well represented; there were close to 70 members from our four local chapters who attended the luncheon. Great job, Joint Council, with special thanks to Mary Ann Stuyvesant and MillieTelford for their continued hard work on Joint Council. Thanks to Mary Jean Lyon for the beautiful basket that she made for Phis donation to their scholarship raffle.

graciously agreed to be our contact with Rosemont Country Club to determine our menu and the specific times that we need to know for our Christmas brunch. Surely, a revisit to their ice cream ball dessert will be in order. Fran Howell is changing it up a bit for this event and encourages you to wear your ugliest/cutest (you be the judge) Christmas sweater. A prize will be awarded to the winner. She will conduct an oral auction that features donations from members and their travels this calendar year. So, ladies, be sure to be on the lookout for an item from your vacation this summer and fall. No purses this year, but Fran will be sure to bring the laughs as she always does.

No meetings until the spring time. We will try to attend a performance of the Mastersingers. More information will follow; we had such a great time hearing Mary Jean Lyon perform in the Freedom Brass Band last spring that we decided to hear her sing in this wonderful local venue. Our newly initiated member, Janna Bruner, is also part of this wonderful singing group. If you have ever heard them

At the state convention, our many state chapters donated over 5,000 books to six childrens hospitals in the state of Ohio. I did not attend, but our chapter donated over 32 books to Akron Childrens Hospital, which was one of the hospitals that received books. Kay Franks purchased these books from our April raffle, and her daughter Ellen, who works at the library at Childrens Hospital, made a special delivery for our chapter. We received a lovely thank you note, which I will share at our September meeting.

Jones, our treasurer. In the past, an active has paid $60.00 with $47.40 of this going to international; Phi keeps $12.60. An active/retired member has paid $54.00 with $47.40 going to international and Phi keeping $6.60. A reserve has paid $25.00; International receives $23.40 of this, and Phi keeps $1.60. If we keep our active at $60.00, Phi would keep $9.60. If we keep our active/retired at $54.00,

we would keep $3.60 and international would receive $50.40. If our reserve stays at $25.00, Phi would lose 40 cents per member. We have no choice in what we send to International, but we do have a choice in our own amounts. This will be Welcome new member, Janna discussed in detail at our July Bruner, who has attended many of meeting. Diana will be sharing our our meetings this past year but was books and audit at this meeting as3 of 3 Phi unable Chapterto Chat Page come to our December Volume 7, Issue 1 well, which should impact our financial decisions. We have been initiation. Kay, Carol, and I had a very frugal with how our funds are mini-initiation; we will have more spent and will continue to do so. For information about her educational example, we have had bargain background in a future news- letter speakers and programs with some of but suffice it to say, Phi is very lucky them being FREE. Our programs for to have her as a member Add her to next year will be thrifty as well your email addresses at particularly if we share the meeting/speaker costs with other chapters and keep some events FREE! Again, more on our finances at the So far, its all been good news, but July meeting. here is a little bit of news that Im not sure qualifies as bad news..our dues Have a great summer; see you in July are going up as per our and, of course, in September. Lynn state/international treasurers information that was given to Diana

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