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G 4924


Reg. No...

B.TECH. DEGREE D(AMTNATTON, I\{Ay 2013 First and Second Semester

EN O1O 107_BASIC MEC}IANICAL.ENGINEERING (New Scheme-Regular/Improvement/Supplementary)
tcommon for all Branchesl
Time : Three

Part A
Answer all questions briefly. Each question carcies B marks.




1. State the Laws of thermodynamics. 2. Discuss the classifrcation of IC engines based on fuel used and cooling system. 3. What is meant by velo'city ratio and slip in a belt drive ? 4. Briefly explain the working of a centrifugal pump. 5. List the machinery operation that are performed in a lathe.
Part B

,",f ;::;;:i::;::i1"io,n,
6. 7. 8. 9.
Explain with neat sketches the Carnot cycle. Explain the principle of refrigeration with neat diagrams. Compare the transmission of power through belt and chain. Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbine. Explain the properties of moulding sand.


part C

Answer any otne questi,on from each mod,ule. Each question carries L2 marhs.

energT and work done.

11' Air at 20 kPa and 20"C is expanded isothermally to 15 kPa.


Calculate the change in internal If it is expanded adiabatically, find the corresponding valuJs.


"of perfect gas law.

State perfect gas law and explain universal gas constant in thermodynamics. Lfst the limitations

Turn over

G 492/t

Module 2


Discuss the important features that distinguish four-stroke cycle IC engines from two-stroke cycle

IC engines

74. Define air conditioning and discuss different

systems of air conditioning.

Module 3

15. Find the Horse Power transmitted by a rope drive from the follorying data :
Angle of contact :

180o, of friction : 0.2,

Pulley groove angle : 60' Weight of rope per unit length : 4 N/m, Or

Permissible tension is 1200 N and velocity of the rope is 18 m/s.

ession for the length lenetl lrive. of belt in an open drive. 16. Derive an expression Mod.ule 4

Give the layout of a thermal power plant and explain its working.



18. Explain the different 19.

types of water turbines.


Mod,ule 5

Describe with neat sketches a

drilling machine.

20. Explain.the features

of different types of welding processes.

(5 x 12 = 60 marks)

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