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AbstinenceOnly Sex Ed

Comprehensive Sex Abstinence Ed Plus/First Sex Ed

Rather than teaching to prevent sex, it teaches how to deal with sex Sexual education that primarily discusses abstinence from sex and often includes discussions about things such as condoms or contraception. Its teaching primarily to avoid teenage unsafe sex and give ways to make sure that the sex two people are having wont result in childbirth. Its taught mainly to encourage young people to stay away from sex and teach young adults to stay away from childbirth.

Definiti on:

They teach children to not have sex until married and consensual

What is taught:

Dont have sex until married and have consent.

To teach how to prevent the dangers of sex

Why its taught this way:

They believe that sex can ruin a young persons life and that they should not be taught to have sex and that it is a choice.

It is taught to allow freedom of choice while also teaching the dangers of sex.

4. What are 3 benefits to abstinence (besides the obvious pregnancy, STDs/HIV)? Its more special when you meet the right person, you wont be considered a promiscuous person, ability to focus on school/career. Abstinence will allow for greater opportunity and a better style of life. 5. What are 3 things that could happen when someone starts to become sexually active? 1. STD/HIV, 2. Pregnancy, 3. Infection/Irritation 6. When should a person become sexually active in your opinion?

Whenever the person believes that they are ready. 7. Explain the controversy as it relates to how sex ed is taught (not your opinion but an explanation of the controversy. Include the terms values). People have profound differences in their values and attitudes which inform their views of abstinence based and comprehensive sex education.
8. Define harm reduction and apply it to this debate. What are your thoughts on harm reduction? What are two other forms of harm reduction. List them. Harm Reduction: policies that are designed to reduce the harmful
consequences associated with various human behaviors, some of which are illegal. I feel like no one changes unless they want to, so harm reduction is a good thing. 2 Forms: Drug use, engaging in sexual activity.

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