Substantive Fara Plural

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Uncountable nouns

(Mass nouns)

A. Nouns having only a SG form (they do not have PLURAL) : *food : soup , sugar, salt , pepper , oil , ketchup , flour , spaghetti , butter , margarine , bread , toast , chocolate , meat , beef , pork , chicken , lamg , steak , water , milk , juice , wine , beer , coke , jam , honey , coffe , tea + cereal, macaroni, fish, alcohol, syrup, salat, ryce,corn, veal, oats, popcorn, sugar,vodk, mayonnaise,graw,currency,art,love,news, gas. *materials : cloth , denim , silk , wool , cotton , leather , wood , plastic , rubber , nylon , steal , iron , gold , silver , bronz + sand , lead, caal, aluminium ,stone, asphalt ,paper, chalk , concrete , glue , lumber ,rayon, gold, plaster,lumber ,metal, brass, grue, chalk.

*subjects : Mathematics , Physics , Linguistics , Acoustic + psychology , history , economics , biology , English , anatomy , philosophy , religion , theology , literature , music, religion, science of nature ,social work, bibliography, biology, geography,sports, acoustic, anatomy. *desease : mumps , richets , meashes +Brucellosis, Chancroid, Chlamydia trachomatis, genital infections ,Cholera,Coccidioidomycosis ,Crypt osporidiosis Cyclosporiasis ,Diphtheria ,Ehrlichiosis/Anapla smosis ,Ehrlchia ewingii ,Anaplasma phagocytophilum ,Undetermined , Giardiasis ,Gonorrhea ,Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease ,Hansen disease (leprosy) ,Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome ,Hemolytic uremic syndrome, postdiarrheal ,Hepatitis, viral, acute ,Hepatitis A, acute ,Hepatitis B, acute ,Hepatitis B virus,

perinatal infection.

Other nouns : money, advice , information , progress , luggage , baggage , work , business , wheather, news , furniture , income + , fun , homework , knowledge , beauty, love, blood , education , electricity , entertainment, experience , fiction , grass , , happiness , , peace .

B.Nouns having only PLURAL form (they do not have SINGULAR) Ex: scissors , tongs , pliers , pincers , shorts , pants , jeans , trousers , overalls , glasses , spectacles , tights +box ,pliers chair, blues,hysterics,bag, dog, chat, litre, table, animal,cup, coin, bottle, plate,panties,shorts,overalls,

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