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Descriptive Statistics

Statistics: procedures that summarize and analyze quantitative data

- Descriptive statistics: transform a set of numbers into indices that summarize characteristics of a sample.

Frequency distributions
- An organization of the data set indicating the number of times (frequency) each score was present

Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Descriptive Statistics

Frequency distributions


Frequency table Frequency polygon Histogram

Shapes (p. 136)

Normal Flat Positive Skew Negative Skew Bimodal

Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Descriptive Statistics

Central tendency

What is the typical score? Three measures Mode: the most frequently occurring score Median: the score above and below which one-half of the scores occur Mean: The arithmetic average of all scores


How different are the scores? Two types Range: the difference between the highest and lowest scores Standard deviation: the average distance of the scores from the mean
Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Descriptive Statistics


How do two sets of scores relate to one another? Correlation

A measure of the relationship between two or more quantitative variables Types Positive correlation Correlation coefficient Negative Correlation

Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Validity of Measurement

Validity: the extent to which inferences are appropriate, meaningful, and useful Characteristics of Validity

Refers to the appropriateness of the interpretation of the results A matter of degree Specific to a particular use or interpretation A unitary concept Involves an overall evaluative judgment

Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Validity of Measurement

Three sources of validity evidence

Test content Internal structure Relationships with other variables

Convergent evidence Discriminate evidence Predictability

Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

Validity of Measurement

Importance of validity to research

If the research results are to have any value, validity of the measurement of a variable must exist Validity as a matter of degree (i.e., the extent to which...) Judged on the basis of available evidence Varying levels of validity evidence are reported in articles
Copyright Allyn & Bacon 2008

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