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Creates a product

Creates an original story with significant content that includes suspense and or humour and is relevant to the prompt

Creates an original story that includes some suspense and or humour and is relevant to the prompt

Creates an original story that is relevant to the prompt

Tells a known story

Prepares a story

Effectively sequences events for clarity and impact

Sequences events clearly

Some sequencing of events evident

A list of ideas that may not be clearly organized

Understands relationships between elements of the story

Makes insightful connections between characters, setting and events throughout the story

Makes some meaningful connections between characters, setting and events

Makes some connection to some elements of the story

Presents information by giving some details like names of people or places or actions

Uses storytelling tools

Uses story telling techniques of pause, timing, questions appropriately to engage audiences

Uses some expression most of the time and uses some story telling techniques

Tells a story using some tone and or volume and or intonation occasionally Story might be read

Reads a story in a monotone

SR/MASTDOCS/20122013/ENGLISH FRAMEWORK 20122013 30jul2012

P a g e | 93

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