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I)BEASTS & MONSTERS The Beast of Bodmin Bigfoot The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui The Loch Ness

Monster The Lusca & St Augustine Phenomena The Mongolian Deathworm Mothman The Ogopogo The Skunk Ape The Utah Lakes Monsters The White River Monster Yeti II)CONSPIRACIES & COMMUNICATIONS Abductions Ancient Astronauts Area 51 Civilian Aircraft Encounters Government Knowledge Life on Mars Men in Black Nazca Lines The Piri Reis Map Rendlesham Forest Roswell The Tunguska Explosion UFO Crashes UFOs & Military Interceptions III)EARTHLY ENERGIES & MYSTICAL PLACES Earth Energy Crop Circles Crystals Earth Lights Ley Lines Mystical Places The Bermuda Triangle The Dragon s Triangle Easter Island The Pyramids of Giza Stonehenge Stone Circles at Castlerigg IV)HIDDEN CITIES & LOST CIVILISATIONS Atlantis El Dorado Lyonesse Mu & Lemuria Teotihauc?n V)HORRORS & HAUNTINGS Amityville The Borley Rectory Hampton Court Palace Longendale Ghostplanes The Mary Celeste Waterworks Valley VI)MARVELS & MIRACLES

Angels The Bible Code The Big Bang The Children of Fatima The Dead Sea Scrolls Gef The Talking Mongoose The Great Flood Hindu Statues Drinking Milk Lourdes Modern Miracles Noah s Ark Saint-Mdard Stigmata The Turin Shroud The Veil of Veronica Weeping Statues VII)PSYCHIC POWERS & PHENOMENA Auras & Kirlian Photography Dowsing ESP & Psychokinesis Levitation Near Death Experiences Ouija Boards Poltergeists Premonitions Reincarnation Remote Viewing Sances Spontaneous Human Combustion VIII)PUZZLING PEOPLE & ENIGMATIC ENTITIES Anastasia / Anna Anderson The Comte de Saint-Germain Dracula Jack the Ripper Kaspar Hauser King Arthur Maitreya The Man in the Iron Mask Nostradamus The Queen of Sheba Uri Geller IX)SECRET SOCIETIES & HIDDEN TREASURES The Knights Templar Rennes-le-Chteau The ark of the Covenant The Holy Grai Alchemy The Rosicrucians Oak Island The curse of Tutenkhamun X)MISCELLANEOUS Demonic Possession Perpetual Motion Rods Voodoo Zombies

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