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Something to chew on

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Healthy food

five servings of vegetables and fruits each day whole-grain rice, bread, pasta and cereals

mono unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats low-fat and fat-free dairy products

Unhealthy food

cakes, pies, ice cream, and candy

fried food

gain weight, have high cholesterol, have a better chance of getting heart disease, and have cavities.


Proteins Fats



Vitamins Water Minerals

-Provides energy and regulation of blood glucose -Spares the use of proteins for energy

-Essential for forming new cells -Repairs damaged tissues -Builds enzymes and hormones

-for storage of energy -act as a solvent for fat-soluble vitamins -an important component of cell membrane -act as an insulator to reduce heat loss from the body

Dietary fibre( roughage)

-provides bulk -stimulates peristalsis

vitamin A-night vision vitamin B- for proper functioning of the nervous system vitamin C-healthy tissues vitamin D-formation of healthy teeth and bones vitamin E-for reproduction vitamin k-for blood clotting

calcium-building healthy bones and teeth sodium-normal functioning of nerves iron-needed for the formation of red blood cells iodine-to make hormone of the thyroid gland phosphorus-formation of healthy bones and teeth potassium-normal functioning of nerves

importance of water: -acts as a solvent in which chemicals dissolve -acts as a transporting agent -takes part in biochemical reactions -a component of blood, body fluids, digestive juices n urine

fight illnesses produces healthy skin, and keeps the body cells to function normally clear up your skin and keep it clear from blemishes Having the right amount of food can make your body strong; mentally and physically

We are prone to:

Cardiovascular Disease Stress, and depression High blood pressure Obesity


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