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BREAST ENGORGEMENT DEFINITION: Several days after birth, the milk supply increases and some breast fullness

is normal during this time. Engorgement occurs when the breasts are not drained often enough and extra blood, lymph and other fluids up in the breasts. HOW TO PREVENT: Nurse early and often 8-10 times a day no longer than 3 hour stretches during the day 4 hour stretches at night. Dont skip feeding Allow the baby to finish the first breast before offering the other side.

CAUSES: Not feeding often enough Limiting length or frequency of feedings Supplemental bottles or pacifiers Poor latching techniques

TREATMENT: GET THE SWELLING DOWN AND THE MILK OUT! Apply warm compresses (hot water in a diaper) to the breast and hand express or pump to soften the breast enough for the baby to latch on. Breast feed frequently at least every 1.2-2hrs during the day and no longer than 3 hours at night. If your breasts are still full after feedings, ypu can pump long enough to soften them to comfort (pumping will not make engorgement worse). Ice packs for 10-15 minutes after feedings freely may reduce swelling and/or you can try cabbage leaves. To use cabbage, put a chilled cabbage leaf in your bra for 1-2 hrs, or until they become limp and wilted. Remove them and attempt to breast feed or pump. Repeat until swelling has resolved and milk is flowing. Cabbage will not dry your milk up if you are frequently removing milk from your breasts.

REFERENCES: 1. Lawrence, Ruth. Breastfeeding- A Guide for the Medical Profession 6th edition. Pgs. 278-281 2. Wilson-Clay, Barbara, Hoover, Kay. The Breastfeeding Atlas 3rd edition. Pgs. 109111. 3. Copyright: Chasta Hite, RN, IBCLC, RLC, Gloria Dudney, RN, IBCLC, RLC, Ann Perry, RN, IBCLC, RLC.

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