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Sue ___________ the housework once a week.

Tom ___________ a story for his daughter in the evening.

Sarah ___________ the ironing on Saturday afternoon.

Ashley __________ a cup of coffee every Friday afternoon.

They ___________ their teeth before they go to bed.

Sue ____________ lunch for her family every day.

Ashley ___________the net and ___________ her e-mail at night.

John ____________ home at 7 oclock in the evening.

On Saturday morning Ashley ___________ breakfast at 10 a.m.

We ___________ lunch in the office from Monday to Friday.

Ann ____________ a cold shower very early in the morning.

They usually _________ the shopping at the supermarket.

Ann always _________ the washing up after lunch.

My best friends often ___________ out on Saturday night.

Adam ___________ a soap opera before he ____________ to bed.

Stephy __________ up at 7 a. m. and then she ___________ to school.

My mother __________ up and ____________ a cup of coffee.

Susan ____________ English at a childrens school.

Peter _____________ in an office from Monday to Friday.

Joe and his children ___________ home at a quarter to 7.

David ____________ 5 kilometers everyday to arrive at work.

Sam ___________ a bus to school, he never ____________ a taxi.

Mary Jo sometimes ___________ e-mails to her friends.

Anns mom __________ the laundry twice a week.

Steve ____________ at work at 7 a. m. and he ____________ at 5 p.m.

II. Negative sentences Read about Paul and answer the questions Things Paul does and doesn't do on Saturday mornings. On Saturday Paul doesn't wake up at 6.00 am. He wakes up at 8.00 am. He doesn't get up at 6.15 am. He gets up at 9.00 am. He doesn't go to the office. He stays at home. He doesn't have a shower. He has a bath. After his shower he doesn't put on his suit. He puts on shorts and a t-shirt. He doesn't eat breakfast at about 7.00 am. He eats breakfast at about 10.00 am. After breakfast he doesn't read the newspaper. He goes for a run. After his run he doesn't go to work. He usually visits friends. In the afternoon he doesnt write reports he watches the football on TV. At night he doesnt watch the news he goes dancing. On Saturdays he isnt tired, hes full of energy. At weekdays he isnt happy because he doesnt see his girlfriend. On Saturdays hes really happy because he sees his girlfriend. 1. 2. 3. What time does he get up on Saturdays? ___________________________________________ What does he wear at weekdays? ___________________________________________ Does he read a newspaper on Saturdays? ___________________________________________ 4. 5. 6. What does he do after his run? __________________________________________ When does he visit friends? __________________________________________ Why is he really happy on Saturdays? __________________________________________

III. Read and write the questions for the answers.

Annie My little cousin, Annie lives in Toronto with her parents; she has a sister but she doesnt have any brothers. She speaks English and French very well. She goes to a bilingual school, and she plays in the school volleyball team. Her school starts at 8 oclock and finishes at 2p.m. In the afternoon she does her homework and plays computer games and she also watches TV, her favorite program is The Simpsons. At weekends she goes to her grannys house and eats her favorite food lasagna. In the winter holidays, she visits her sister in California. Annies very sweet and lovely, she loves animals, and she has 2 cats and 1 dog.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

_______________________________________? In Toronto. _______________________________________? She lives with her parents. _______________________________________? No, she doesnt. _______________________________________? She speaks English and French. _______________________________________? Her school starts at 8 oclock and finishes at 2. _______________________________________? She does her homework, plays and watches TV.


_______________________________________? Her favorite program is The Simpsons. 8. ______________________________________? At weekends. 9. ______________________________________? Her favorite food is Lasagna. 10. ______________________________________? She visits her sister. 11. ______________________________________? Shes nice and sweet. 12. ______________________________________? 3; two cats and a dog

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