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Ada Lovelace Answer Key

Reading 3 4 a Charles Babbage, b 1837, c early 1940s, d Ada Lovelace, e 1843 1815 Ada was born in London 1816 Adas parents separated 1824 Adas father died 1833 Ada met Charles Babbage 1837 Babbage began work on plans for the Analytical Engine 1843 Ada published a description of the Analytical Engine 1843 Ada developed a computer programming language 1852 Ada died 1871 Babbage died Early 1940s first computers were built 1980s Programming language developed for the US Department of Defence and named after Ada. Composing music Ada predicted that computers would be able to compose music Mathematics Adas mum taught her to love mathematics Charles Babbage Ada wrote a description of the Analytical Engine; she understood the importance of his invention; she wrote a language which could be used to program his Analytical Engine. The English poet, Lord Byron He was Adas father The US Department of Defence They use a programming language named after her Modern computers she understood that computers would one day have the power to change the world Vocabulary 7
noun programmer computing computer science verb program calculate adjective programming programmable calculating scientific

Author: Joanne Yanova Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE

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