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General-Reporting Meeting of members of Association of Polish Aviation Industry(APAI) and Association of Group of Aerospace Industry Entrepreneurs AVIATION VALLEY

Main actions in 2009 Action plan for 2010

Rzeszw, May 25, 2010

Polish Aerospace Industry

Number of enterprises Employment Sale ~ 100 23 000 1 mld $

> 1000 500 -1000

4 6

200 - 500 50 - 200

< 50

16 25

Polish Aerospace Industry is organized in Association of Polish Aviation Industry(APAI), 30 members and Aviation Valley Association, 79 members

Development strategy
D&R, laboratories, universities, partnership


World class manufacturing


Ownership transformations

Capital, Market, Knowledge


Development base

Main actions in 2009

Visit of ambassadors in Aviation Valley

Visit of Japanese entrepreneurs

Paris Air Show

ASD Annual Convention

Education, learning, innovation

Tertiary schools / Aeronet, 80M$

Secondary schools / CEKSO centre of education, junior secondary schools / cool physics, 35M$

Primary schools / university for kids

European Aerospace Cluster Partnership

EACP joint initiatives of Wings for Regions and CLUNET Platform of sharing best practices, information, projects, etc.

UEs 31 aerospace clusters Aviation Valley leading one of 3 working groups (apart from Toulouse and Hamburg)

ILA Berlin Air Show 2010

Organizing a common trip of members of the Association to an aerospace trade show ILA Berlin Air Show 2010 Organizing B2B meetings during ILA Hall 7, two neighboring booths of AVIATION VALLEY: 206 (PAIZ) + 309 (Rzeszw City) Conference and discussion panel June 8, 11:00

Benchmarking mission of small enterprises of AV

Acquiring knowledge about the best functioning standards of small aerospace enterprises in Europe Creating AV representation Selecting companies for visiting Preparing visits Acquiring funds for visits

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