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***Press Release*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 27, 2013

Contact: Matthew Adair (614) 466-4583

Senator Turner Condemns GOP Budget Plan

COLUMBUSState Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) and the Senate Democratic Caucus voted against House Bill 59, the states two-year budget plan, today. The plan will continue to undermine access to womens health care, inadequately provide for quality K -12 instruction, and disproportionately benefit Ohios wealthiest. We had the opportunity to make schools whole, yet Ohio Republicans chose to give this money awayforegoing a worthwhile investment in our states next generationto give massive tax breaks to the wealthiest Ohioans. Tax breaks that, over the last few years, have failed in creating economic growth they promised. This morning on the Statehouse steps, medical professionals rejected the new provisions that would undermine their medical knowledge and intrude on the patient-doctor relationship. Doctors are offended by the attempt to regulate their patients, and should not need to fear criminal charges and fines for providing the best care for their patients. In addition, the Majority caucus chose not to expand Medicaid, denying over 275,000 hardworking Ohioans basic medical coverage. Senate Turner and the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus called on the Governor to veto measures that would defund family planning clinics and create burdensome regulations for abortion providers.


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