Whos Who in Antigravity

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Whos Who in Antigravity

By Tim Ventura, January 27th, 2004 [tventura6@comcast.net]

Please note: the following list is as comprehensive as possible, but due to the nature of Antigravity research, such a list cannot possibly encompass the scope of work being done on these concepts around the world. Therefore, this list may not contain references to all relevant information, but does attempt to be as comprehensive as possible.

Machs Principle: Offcenter-rotators, inertial-thrusters, or piezo-devices. These devices attempt to pull themselves up by the bootstraps to overcome gravity mechanically. Dr. James F. Woodward, Piezo-Electric Transducers Robert Cook, Cook Inertial Propulsion Device Paul March (Lockheed), Indy-experiments with Woodwards research James Cox, Offcenter-Rotator Device

ELF-Grav Shielding: Low-Frequency EM-waves block gravitons from interacting with mass, creating a shield from gravity and inertia. Prof. Fran De Aquino, Brazilian inventor (possibly working with Braz. Military) Steve Burns, M.A. Nuclear Physics, Designer of De Aquinos device Martin Tajmar, Presenting ELF-Replication attempt at STAIF 2005. Mass-Fluctuation: Utilizing EM-waves to create mass fluctations simulates negative mass which has been proposed to generate an Antigravity Effect. William Alek, built Gravimetric Mass Fluctuation Prototype

Biefield-Brown: High-voltages are used to create an asymmetrical-capacitance, which Puthoff & Sakarov have proposed creates forward directional thrust by interacting with quantum-foam. TT Brown, Built a varied collection of disk-shaped BB-Effect rotators. Dr. Alfred Biefeld, experimental colleague of TT Brown. RL Talley, experiments showed non-conservative force from spark discharge. Drs. Haisch, Rueda, and Puthoff, Quantum-Foam theory Jean-Louis Naudin, Conducted open-source experimental validation. Tim Ventura, Enhancement of BB-Effect via Ultraviolet Preionization Saviour, Demonstrated inertial anomalies related to angular momentum Alexander DeSeversky, Early pioneer of the Ion-Wind thrust component. Russell Anderson, builder of worlds largest BB-Effect devices. Superconductive Grav-Shield: A rotating superconductor or gas-plasma creates a shield around the test device that blocks inertia and mass, similar to the ELF shield above. Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, Claims 2% to 9% decrease in weight due to SC-shielding

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Dr. Ning Li, Claims to have replicated rotating SC grav-shield John Schnurer, Popular experimental replication claim (invalidated, 1998) Pete Skeggs, Inventor responsible for collating Podkletnovs early work. Dr. Ning Wu, Theoretical prediction suggests phase-transition causes effect. Tony Robertson, Scientist in NASA 2001 Podkletnov Rotation Experiment Ron Koczor, Scientist in NASA 2001 Podkletnov Rotation Experiment.

Superconductive HFGW: The Gertsenshtein Effect allows a high-frequency interaction between Electromagnetism and Gravitation that creates powerful Gravitational-Waves, capable of exerting tons of force. Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, Experimental claim for hundreds of pounds of force from new forcebeam apparatus (smashing brick, warping metal, etc.). This is from a pulse-discharge HFGW apparatus (2 MV Marx Discharge). Dr. Ning Li, Claims to be generating continuous-duty 11-kilowatt AC-Gravity beam from RF components on Type-II SC (push/pull effect, high output). Dr. David Maker, unGauged GR theory supporting Podkletnovs results. Dr. Ning Wu, Gauge GR theory supporting Podkletnovs results. Dr. Bob Baker, designer of nanoscale high-frequency grav-wave experiment. Tony Robertson, proposes nanoscale Type-II SC defect creating grav-waves. Gary Stephenson, proposes Gerstenshtein Effect responsible for Force-Beam. Paul Murad, organizer for STAIF conference & chief scientific review head. Bismuth/ Element 115: A poorly understood mechanism claimed to be the result of reverseengineering UFOs that somehow translates high-voltage electricity into a propulsive gravity-wave. More recently it has been suggested that Bismuth and Mercury have unique nuclear shell interactions with gravitational force. Bob Lazar, Claims Element 115 decay cycle releases propulsive gravity-waves. John Dering, Claims that Bismuth is an enhancer for gravito-electric effects.

Gyroscopic-Precession: A variation on Machs Principle in which a force applied horizontally creates an upward thrust in a rotating gyroscope. Includes NMR Antigravity, a nanoscale-variation of Gyroscopic precession in which EM-radiation is used to generate Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and create a precessional force against gravity for the entire test-object. Dr. Eric Laithwaite, Demonstration of precession for British Royal Society. Bruce DePalma, Independent experimentation with precession force thrust. Dr. Richard Hoagland, Proposes NMR version of precession experiments. Lenz-Law: A series of variations on the common electromagnetic inductive-force in which an Antigravity craft is repelled from the Earths surface using a macro-scale variant of Lenzs Law.

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Boyd Bushman, Proposes high-frequency Lenz Levitation aircraft. Bill Butler, Proposal for Lenz-Levitation circa 1992. GeoMagnetic Levitation: A high-energy, low-efficiency device that generates upward and directional thrust by applying a very high-strength magnetic field to repel against the Earths natural magnetic field. Bill Butler, Experimenting with high-amplitude magnetic field levitation. Howe Wachspress, inventor working with H.A. magnetic levitation. Mark Goldes, supporter of Butlers research & owner of Wachspress patent. Rotating Magnetic Field Device: A broad category of Antigravity device in which a series of high-speed rotating electromagnetic fields are used to warp-space and generate a pure, highefficiency, and sometimes overunity Antigravity Effect. May be related to Magnus-Effect propulsion or Rotating Superconductive Antigravity. John Searl, British inventor of SEG & IGV Antigravity devices. Dr. Paul Brown, performed successful independent 1986 SEG replication. John Thomas, American affiliate for SEG research (DISC Corp). Russell Anderson, leading Applied-Electrogravitics 2005 SEG replication. Saviour, created 2003 Magnus-Effect levitation replication. Marcus Hollingshead, Rotating fields are applied to stationary core for AG thrust. Sergei Godin, Built Russian SEG replication w/ gear-roller enhancements. Vladimir Roschin, Assistant to Godin for 1992 & 2005 Russian SEG replications. Harold Aspden, discoverer of a virtual magnetic inertia in rotating fields.

Hutchison-Effect: A poorly understood high-voltage/high-frequency Antigravity mechanism capable of lifting hundreds of pounds of weight, but lacking the repeatability for close scientific scrutiny and easy replication. This is an aspect of scalar-technology, and may be also called scalarantigravity or Bearden Antigravity. John Hutchison, Canadian inventor & tinkerer inventor of H-Effect. Boyd Bushman, Claims to have seen Lockheed experimental confirmation Rex Webb, Claims to have an optical-assembly for replicating H-Effect. Ted Gagnon, Developed theoretical predictions & tests for H-Effect.

Poynting Vector Propulsion: A real, workable reactionless-drive based on classical electrodynamics principles, tested to generate pounds of thrust. Scalability for this system is unknown early prototypes are unstable. Jean-Louis Naudin, created 1999 prototype Poynting swing experiment. John Dering, Participated in 2000 Poynting-vector thrust replication. Dr. Tom Bearden, Theoretical design for Poynting-ventor propulsor.

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Einsteins UFT Effect: An engineering-level approach to AG based on tensor analysis from Einsteins 1929+ Unified Field Theory. In practical form, it translates into rotating RF wave devices utilizing mercury (Nazi Bell, SARA Wheel, Philadelphia Experiment). John Dering, SARA physicist predicting Einsteins UFT as explanation for the Nazi Bell technology. Dering performed independent validation of UFT anomalous Effects at SARA under funding from ISSO in 2000. Dr. James Corum, PhD EE suggesting Einsteins UFT as explanation for Nazi Antigravity research and Philadelphia Experiment. Corum performed replication of Allied radar-invisibility in 1994 to validate the Philadelphia Experiment physics. Dr. Walther Gerlach, WW-II German physicist involved with Nazi UFT experiments. Dr. Nikola Tesla, PhD EE reportedly involved with Allied UFT research during WW-II (creator of mirage effect). Dr. Albert Einstein, reportedly involved with Allied UFT research for mirage effect, assigned to Navy on Philadelphia Experiment during 1943.

Casimir Force & ZPE: A variety of proposed Antigravity devices have come from work relating to Zero-Point energy from Quantum Mechanics. These remain highly-speculative & subject to further investigation. Dr. Hal Puthoff: Proposing a polarized vacuum theory. Dr. Andreas Sakharov, 1960s Russian theory (precursor to PV theory) Dr. Bernard Haisch, Proposing a Quantum Foam virtual-particle theory. Dr. Alfonse Rueda, Co-Author with Haisch of Quantum-Foam theory. Dr. Paul Laviolette, Proposing SubQuantum Kinetics theory predicting Podkletnov forcebeam experiment. Dr. Ning Li, Proposing Quantum Cooper-Pair theory predicting Podkletnov experiment.

Torsion Fields: Initially predicted by Einsteins Unified Field Theory, a number of Russian scientists spent considerable research into a modified abstract of these ideas from 1960onward, due to Einsteins prediction that Torsion Fields can unbend the gravitational curvature of space in a local area. Albert Einstein, predicted a torsion-tensor as a component of 1929+ UFT. Alexander Frolov, publisher of New Energy Technologies Magazine in Moscow, has categorized a vast number of Russian researchers experimenting with Torsion Fields from the 1960s onward. Dr. N.A. Kosyrev: Spin Field proposal with energy implications. Drs Nachalov/Parkhomov/Sokolov, Russian researchers in torsion-field mechanics. A.E. Akimov, G. I. Shipov, Spin-Field Proposal reportedly similar to theories supported by Jack Sarfatti. A. A. Shpilman, Torsion Field investigation.

Electromagnetic Plenum Effect: Modified Air-Cushion concept proposing to contain ions between vehicle and ground to create surface-effect levitation. Recirculation of charged air in plenum increases lift efficiency for surface-effect transport. Bill Butler, 1992 experiments with ion-containment levitation systems.

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Tim Ventura, Conducted 2003 BB-Effect / Bernoulli plenum levitation experiment.

Coanda-Effect Levitation: Aerodynamic Effect often confused with Antigravity designed to create low-pressure area to create lift over conventional lifting surface. Variants include the high-efficiency vortex-thruster technology & well-known AvroCar Air Force Prototype. The Vortex Thruster showed promise at lift efficiencies up to 10x compared to helicopter (4 tons per square meter). Andreas Epp: Developed WW-II mechanical Coanda-disk for Germany. Viktor Schaumberger: Developed WW-II Repulsine Coanda-thruster. Dr. Mikhail Goldshtik: Developed HE Vortex Thruster at U. of Texas in 1997. Tim Ventura, Developed self-compressing Vortex-Thruster in 2003. Terry Day, Developed box-style high-intensity vortex (tornado) generator. AvroCar, 1960s era military prototype for Coanda surface-effect levitation. Bob Iannini, Developed box-style high-intensity vortex (tornado) generator. Dr. Paul Moller, inventor of the Moller SkyCar, 1990s-era updated AvroCar.

Alt-Energy Systems: The following are a few of the more well-known pursuits of high-output mobile electrical generation proposed for use in Antigravity technologies. Dr. Paul Brown, proposing stimulated decay nuclear batteries. Patrick Herda, CEO of Paul Browns Nuclear Solutions company. Michael McDonnough, founder of Betavoltaic, proposing micronuclear power-supplies based on LENR & plasma-fusion. Arie DeGiess, invented micro-scale plasma-fusion generator for AG systems. Dr. Ronald Mills, Founder of Blacklight Power, proposing plasma hydrino-reaction suitable for onboard AG power. Jim Henry, Armor Systems International, inventor of microscale steam-turbine for Stanford/DARPA battle armor project. Proposing same for onboard AG power. John Dering, proposing laser-stimulated nuclear-isomer decay throttleable nuclear powerplants.

Boundary Layer Reduction & Stealth: The application of the Biefeld-Brown effect for the reduction of air-compression in aircraft due to the boundary-layer condition. Various testing has also suggested that this is a potential method for generating aircraft radar-insibility. Dr. Paul Laviolette, Proposed BB-Effect stealth-enhancements for the B2. Dr. James Corum, demonstrated naval stealth replication for the Philadelphia Experiment and proposed plasma-shielding through radar absorption to confirm Laviolettes claim. Jean-Louis Naudin, demonstrated boundary-layer reduction via the Biefeld-Brown Effect in dielectric fluids. John Dering, described 1960s RF-plasma experiments by Northrop leading to coldplasma boundary-layer reduction for aircraft performance.

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Relativity Theory: This theory has been investigated by many with regard to applications for space-travel. The following is a highly-truncated list of research pertaining to Antigravity. Miguel Alcubierre, a 1960s era warp-drive concept from within general relativity allowing folded space to create FTL travel and a new method of propulsion. (The Warp Drive in Star Trek is based on Alcubierres work). Dr. Jack Sarfatti, independently derived a post-Einsteinian theory similar to UFT that he claims supports UFO & AG technologies. Dr. David Maker, author of an ungauged theory of general relativity supporting Podkletnovs force-beam claims. Dr. Ning Wu, author of a gauge-theory of Relativity supporting Podkletnovs research.

Government Interest: A variety of organizations have conducted limited investigation into Antigravity technologies. The following is a truncated list of recent known investigations. Please note that none of these investigations has involved a full-scale organizational commitment to research. Naval Research Labs, Conducted internal 2003 investigation of Lifter & Biefeld-Brown Effect technologies. NASA, conducted a variety of exploratory investigations into Biefeld-Brown Effect technologies from 1980-onward, resulting in several related patents in 2001. NASA also has a variety of employees working off-the-clock with the open-source community, and attempted a replication of the Podkletnov rotating disk apparatus in 2001. Los Alamos National Labs, has been very actively conducting internet-research for AG related information. Additionally, they reportedly conducted an internal replication of Lifter technology in October 2003. US Air Force, has no current official interest in AG technologies, but does show interest in staying current with latest research. Additionally, the Air Force has financed studies of BiefeldBrown Technology dating back to the 1950s. Oak Ridge National Labs, published 2001 research findings to demonstrate that they have actively pursued energy-related research based on open-source community work over the last decade. Defense Intelligence Agency, has no official interest in AG technologies, but does show interest in staying current with latest research. United States Army, Aviation and Missile Command financed Dr. Ning Lis 2002 ACGravity experiments. Japanese Government, financed educational replication of Lifter experiment for students in 2002. Results included testing of a 25-foot Lifter involving several hundred thousand dollars in equipment investment. Brazilian Army R&D, published a 2001 paper describing socio-economic impact of gravitycontrol. Brazilian military has also reportedly been closely scrutinizing AG research by Dr. Fran De Aquino.

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British Government, Reportedly financing research by Marcus Hollinshead, in addition to maintaining interest in recently-defunct BAE Greenglow project.

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