Quarter.: STAGE 1: Desired Results

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STAGE 1: Desired Results Establish Goals: (Philippine National Standards, contents standards or competencies addressed in this quarter.

The learner demonstrates understanding of the value of scientific methods when internalized as a process.

Transfer Goal(s): I want my students to learn scientific method so that in the long run they will be able, on their own , to solve real world ,day-to-day problems.

Essential Understandings: Students will understand that science knowledge is gained using a structured process which will generates information about the material world.

Essential Questions Why do we need to apply science and scientific method in our day to day life ?ssssss

Topical Understandings: Students will understand that

Topical Essential Questions:

Science is a systematized knowledge.

Scientific Method is a systematized and scientific way of answering a problem.

What is science ?

How science is considered a systematized knowledge?

What are the steps to be followed in answering a problem? How does scientific method help one in her /his personal value formation?

Scientists make use of the scientific method as a tool to do scientific investigations. A true scientist carries valuable traits

Students will know: Science defined Branches of Science Specialization in Science Science Breakthroughs Science vs Superstitions Scientific Method Attitudes of a Scientist

Students will be able to: Define science and life Acknowledge the multi-disciplinary and integrated interaction of the different fields of science Differentiate between science and technology Explain the basic steps involved in a scientific method Recognize the scientific attitudes practiced by scientist STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence

Authentic Performance Tasks Using GRASPS format:

STAGE 2 Assessment Evidence Key Criteria or Rubric:

Other Formative and Summative Evidence: Pre-assessment Evidence: Formative Assessment Evidence: Summative Assessment Evidence: STAGE 3 Learning Plan INTRODUCTION:

Activity 1 Focus: Introduction to the Unit INTERACTION: Activity 2 Focus: Activity 3 Focus:

Activity 4 Focus:


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