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EFL Teaching Community

Lesson Plan: by Nina Weinstein

International Greetings Body Language

Reading: If youre traveling to Japan, knowing how to bow is very helpful. People greet each other by bowing. Bowing expresses a feeling of respect, thanking, apologizing, greeting, etc. Bowing seems simple, but there are different ways of bowing. Bend from your waist with a straight back. Men usually keep their hands on their sides. Women usually put their hands together on their thighs with their fingers touching. If the person is higher status or older than you are, bow deeper and longer to show respect. Deeper bows show different things. Bending 15 degrees shows a casual greeting. Bend 30 degrees to greet customers and thank someone. This is the most common type of bow. If the situation is more formal, bend 45 degrees and look at your feet. This bow shows deep respect, a formal apology, asking for a favor, etc. If youre traveling to the United States, youll need to understand the common greeting, a handshake. Friends shake hands. In business, co-workers shake hands. Women, men and even children can shake hands.

Shaking hands also seems simple, but there are some important things to remember. When you shake hands, you must make eye contact. In other words, look directly into the other persons eyes the whole time youre shaking hands. Shake hands firmly. If you give a weak handshake, the other person might feel that youre weak. They might also feel that you dont like them or want to touch them. If your handshake is firm enough, you should feel the other persons hand get a little narrower. Dont break bones, but your grip should look firm.


Shake hands with men and women the same way. If you shake hands with a very elderly person or a small child, be careful not to hurt them. In all other situations, make sure your handshake is firm and strong. Some people dont know how long to keep shaking. You shouldnt feel like youre pumping for oil. The most common handshake should have three shakes and then you should let go. Dont worry, though, if Americans shake hands a little longer. Your handshake is like your signature. Its uniquely you. You need to find a comfortable strong handshake that shows who you are. Because the handshake allows people to touch, the hand should be warm, dry and clean. Warm: A trick is to casually put your hands into your pockets before you shake hands. This will warm them. Dry: Everyone gets nervous and your hands may sweat. This is normal, but it isnt a good feeling for the other person. Again, a trick is to casually put your hands into your pockets before you shake hands. This will dry them. The other person shouldnt notice, so dont scrub. Clean: If you know youre going to meet someone, wash your hands so theyll be clean.

Lesson: Practice 1-2-3

Everyone should stand up and find a partner. Practice doing the 1-2-3 handshake in the correct order. 1. Greet each other and say your names as you look into each others eyes. If your partner gives only her first name, then give only your first name. If your partner gives her first and last names, give your first and last names: A: Hi. Im (Jean Simone). B: Hi. Im (Pablo Garcia). 2. Shake hands. Give three shakes as you say: 3. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. Have everyone in the room introduce herself/himself to each person using the 1-2-3 handshake. Expansion Talk about other cultures greeting body language. Have volunteers introduce themselves using other cultures body language.


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