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In the end of the years 70s, the legend extended like gunpowder and evidence of the bad luck

of all those people that had one of the pictures of the collection was everywhere. Nobody wanted to have one of those pictures in their houses even nobody wanted to have the imitations of the pictures, for that reason, the people took down their pictures of their houses and they put the pictures in the attic. People said, if we put in front of the pictures could have a pact with the devil and we could see directly in the eyes of the boy to the devil. THE HARMFUL PICTURE With relation to the famous picture of crying boy, the people said that it was the imagen of a boy that lived in an orphanage, Bragolin would had give the picture to same orphanage where lived the boy ,after, in the orphanage occurred a strange fire that killed to all the children. The picture, unbelievable, wouldnt had suffer damage. Some people supported that the spirit of boy was caught on the picture. Then, people said that the picture that they had caused misfortunes and deaths. When the picture started to sell around the world, in much countries started to talk of paranormal stories, for example: the cases of the houses burned where all the houses were destroyed but the picture always was without a damage (one case was verified in 1985: the house of marriage hall in the city of York shire burned in flames and the picture didnt suffer damages) o People still assure that in their houses occur strange things.

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