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Calling a pop-up screen.

CALL SCREEN dynnr [STARTING AT col1 lin1 [ENDING AT col2 lin2]].

Use addition STARTING AT to open a new popup level and to display all screens of the called dynpro sequence in a modal dialog window. The upper left corner of the dialog window is determined by the values col1 and lin1 for column and line. The values refer to the window with popup level 0. The lower right corner is set automatically or you can use col2 and lin2 to specify it after ENDING AT. For col1, lin1, col2 and lin2, data objects of type i are expected. The values of col1, lin1 should be smaller than those of col2, lin2, because otherwise the behavior is undefined. The maximum popup level is 9.

Starting at Lin 1, Col 1

Pop Up Screen

Ending at Lin 2, Col 2

Calling a List Processing.

SUPPRESS DIALOG. Example You can use SUPPRESS DIALOG to display lists while dynpros are processed, without displaying the screen of the dynpro during whose processing the list is created. MODULE call_list OUTPUT. SUPPRESS DIALOG. SET PF-STATUS space. WRITE 'Basic List'. LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING AND RETURN TO SCREEN 0. ENDMODULE. To get the function code in list processing, you can't use the module MODULE USER_COMMAND or EXIT COMMAND. Instead, use the event block for list - AT-USER COMMAND. Example AT USER-COMMAND. G_okcode = Sy-ucomm. Clear sy-ucomm. Case g_okcode. When 'CONT'. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. When Others. .... Endcase.

Validations: When the user presses the enter key after inputting a sales order number and item number, the two fields will be grayed-out. Display the material number, customer number, sales order number and item number without leading zeroes. If the user press the PRINT LIST button while there's no records selected, issue a message. Issue a message when there's no record found.

Tables to be use. VBAK VBAP KNA1 MAKT Sales Order Header Sales Order Details Customer Master List Material Description

Sales Order Number Item Number

Customer name

Customer Number Order Date

Material Description

Material Number Quantity Unit of Measure

Print List

When the user pushes the button PRINT LIST, a pop-up screen will appear.
Sales Order Item Number Date Customer Code / Name Material Number Material Description Quantity UoM



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