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Your Names: Lauren Ramsower, April Ellis, Melanie Valadez, Ashleigh Anderson EED 511: Elementary Principles of Curriculum

Development, Dr. Tovar Instructional Plan Type: Society/World S3 Grade Level: 1st Grade Living Curriculum: A Community of Bucket-Fillers Goal/Outcome Big Idea: School and Community Citizenship CCSS: ELA: (1.SL.1) Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion) b. Build on others talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. (1.SL.4) Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. AZ First Grade Social Studies Standards: Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship PO 1. Identify examples of responsible citizenship in the school setting and in stories about the past and present. PO 2. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizenship: (a) elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated. (b) importance of participation and cooperation in a classroom and community (c.) why are there rules and what are the consequences for violating them. (d) responsibility of voting. PO 3. Discuss the importance of students contributing to a community, (e.g. helping others, working together, cleaning up the

playground.) Goal: SWBAT identify whobucket fillers are within the community. SWBAT recognize how they as bucket fillers act within both the school community as well as their role in society. SWBAT articulate actions of bucket dippers within both the (people who use hurtful words or actions). Essential Questions EQ: What does it mean to treat others the way you want to be treated? Topical Questions: What does being a good citizen look like? Who are examples of bucket fillers in our community? Engage: TW: show BrainPop video on community helpers. munities/communityhelpers/preview.weml TW show students different parts of community workers uniforms such as: a hats from a fireman, mail carrier and a police officer, a doctors stethoscope and a dentist lab coat. TW then ask students to look at what is in front of them and ask what they all have in common. Teacher will guide discussion to ensure students understand these are items are all worn by people who help us in our communities. TW ask some guiding questions including: 1. How many of you have ever helped someone? 2. What are some reasons and ways you have helped others? 3. How do you feel when you help others? 4. What do call people who look for ways to help others?

Learning Structures/Activities

5. How are community helpers bucket-fillers? TW refer to Have You Filled A Bucket Today book. Explore: After group discussion, TW lead students in a game of Community Helper Charades. TW write names of various community helpers on index cards (Fireman, Policeman, Vet, Dentist, Mayor, etc.) SW pull an index card out of a box & act out the Community Helper for the class. TW have class guess the Helper, and lead short discussion about how that Helper is a bucket filler for the community. TW place cards on bulletin board for student reference. Elaborate: Performance task--SW practice & perform Community Helper Play. SW practice the play for 1-2 days before performance. Students can invite family members, siblings from other classrooms, etc. Extension: Class Field Trip to the Fire Station to see Community Bucket Fillers/Helpers in action! We will also give our friendly letters to Community Helpers we wrote in our S2 lesson. 1. BrainPop Video 2. index cards with Community Helper types written on them. 3. Have You Filled A Bucket book 4. graphic organizer, venn-diagram for evaluation activity 5. lined paper for students to write opinion piece on which Community Helper they would like to be. 6. writing paper to write letter to community helper. 7. Community Helper Play Script



Rationale ? by=curriculum&curriculum=histor y-social-studies&id=neighborhoodhelpers Evaluate: SW complete a venn-diagram to compare and contrast two community helpers. Scaffolding- Students can reference the Community Helper Card Wall as needed SW choose which community helper they would like to be and write at least 4 reasons why. Students who need extra time will be given extra time to complete work. Sentence stems will be provided as needed on an individual basis. This lesson allows student to look beyond themselves as bucket-fillers and focus on how members of our community work for the greater good of society by being productive citizens. This rationale with Henderson & Gorniks Reflective Ethical Inquiry because it encourages students to ask themselves, What am I doing to enhance the quality of life for the group or individual? (Henderson & Gornik pg. 77) The concepts of citizenship and helping others tie into the idea of our classroom being an inclusive classroom. The Ethical Inquiry perspective focuses on students being inclusive within their classroom, their community and ultimately, the world. According to Henderson & Gornik, this an inclusive classroom ethic in which as many interpretations as possible about the world and the multiple ways of being in the world are incorporated into the curriculum. (H&G pg. 77)

Works Cited Henderson, J. G., & Gornik, R. (2007). Transformative curriculum leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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