A Brief Examination of Church History

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A brief examination of church history


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Introduction The Church Fathers Creeds, Councils, and Heretics The Cannon Roman Catholicism The Crusades and Islam Eastern Orthodoxy The Reformation (Continental Europe)

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

The Reformation (the British Isles) The Puritans and Colonial America 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings Liberal Christianity Retrospect and Prospect

Spiritual Decline
Dead Orthodoxy
Halfway Covenant Weakening of Calvinism

Outdoor preaching Same Theology, New Zeal Pastor Led, Pulpit centered

Old Side vs. New Side


To what extent should our worship service focus on

reaching un-believers? How seeker sensitive should we be?

Oxford and the Holy Club

First Trip Orphanage

Start of Open Air Preaching Preaching

The Divine


Early Childhood

The Sweetness of Gods

Sovereignty Pastor Sarah Edwards Married to a difficult man Revival Missionary to the Indians Princeton

Many Conversions

New alliance in American Christianity

Spiritual Democracy Schools founded

Strengthening of Calvinism
Created unity and Cohesion among the

Colonies Concern for evangelization of Indians and slaves

The period between the two

awakenings Yale Awakening Kentucky Camp Meetings Distinctives

Arminian Led by personality Crusades Experience Faith first, regeneration second Moral activism


Presbyterian Pastor
New Measures
Revivalism as a machine Results justify means

Temporary Change

Edwards Revival Conversion Evangelists part in conversion Mans Nature Regeneration Justification A work of God Brought about by the work of God through preaching Midwife Totally depraved Brings about faith Sinners declared righteous based on Jesus work The Christian remains in Gods grace even when he sins

Finney A work of man Brought about by the use of right means Salesman Neutral Brought about by faith Only by universal, perfect, and uninterrupted obedience to law The Christian is justified no longer than he obeys

Perseverance of the Saints

Parachurch ministries Pastors as evangelists more

than shepherds Decisional regeneration Loss of Calvinism in most American churches Emphasis on methods over theology

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