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Chapter 1 : The Area of Internship and Learning Objectives (Expected length - about 5 pages.

The chapter would contain description of the specific field chosen for training like Recruitment and Selection Procedure at ABC Corporation. It may also contain a brief review of relevant literature as a background. It will further lay down the learning objectives which would also serve as the expected learning outcome of the internship). Chapter 2: Profile of the Organisation (Expected length - about 15 pages. It may contain a structured introduction or description of the organization. It may include its vision, mission, organizational structure, product lines, competitive position in the market, financial and profitability position, HR systems, current challenges and future prospects. Its functional profile relating to the chosen area of internship should be specially highlighted.) Chapter 3: Job Description and Functional Profile (Expected length- 4 pages. You may include your job or functional profile alongwith the responsibilities assigned as intern. It may also include your reporting relationships, work environment and job challenges, if any, at the organization). Chapter 4: Learning Experience and the Insights Gained (Expected length about 20 pages). This is the central part of the internship report. It may be divided into three parts. Part I may be devoted to the business processes learned and insights gained; Part II may contain your analysis or evaluation of the business process on which you have worked, followed by the identification of the improvement areas; and Part III may describe the professional skills acquired. In those cases where an intern is assigned a field survey work or a research exercise, the results of such survey or research along with the research design and methodology would also need to be given in brief in part II. ) Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion (Approximate length - 6 pages. This chapter may provide your suggestions and recommendations with regard to the processes learned or the survey/research conducted. It may also include the conditions under which your recommendations would be feasible or effective.) The total length of the report should not exceed 60 pages (excluding annexures, if any). Other guidelines relating to internship remain the same. The final internship report must follow the above guidelines.

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