Changes in Neural Activity Symptoms

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Maternal Grandfather Hx of Hallucination / delusion

Hx of subnormal intelligence, solitary, repetitive behavior manifested at the age of 3

Traumatic experience Father died of ambush in 2013

Dysfunctional relationship in high school / college

(+) UTI 2006 Neuroanatomy changes (+) Hepatitis 2002

Neurochemical changes Cytokines, inflammation mediators affecting behavioral / neurochemical changes alters brain physiology

Decreased CSF and brain tissue at limbic, hippocampal, thalamic structures and temporal, amyglada substantianigra lobes

Diminished glucose metabolism at frontal areas

Cortical atrophy

Ventricle enlargement

Neuro chemical changes

Increase / decrease dopamine

increase serotonin

Decrease Glutamate

Decrease regulation N methyl D aspartate receptor

Changes in Neural activity symptoms

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