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1 Running Head: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography: Cyber Crime The University of Texas at El Paso Julio Castro Summer 2013

2 Annotated Bibliography Annotation: Lewis Oaten, Josef Nankivell, Anthony Chudley (2010). What is CyberCrime?

This article briefly explains the meaning of cybercrime and crime itself. It chronologically explains the history of cybercrime and how it occurred and developed over the past 40 years. These characteristics will assist the reader in understanding what cybercrime is and will provide information that states why it is so dangerously important. The authors of this article clearly define cybercrime in order for the reader to really understand its meaning and why it is so important to this community. This topics definition is very crucial in order for the reader to understand the more specific questions regarding this problem. The authors even explain when this atrocity began and how it started to develop during the last four decades. This article is not really a debatable one since it is only explaining what cybercrime means; although some individuals might disagree with the meaning of such a word. Many may believe that what this is defined as is not a crime. Downloading pirated software, movies, games, etc. might be a proper example to use as a debatable scenario. Susan W. Brenner (2001). Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution: the Role of Penal and Procedural Law. This article argues the penal laws that are applied to the cyber criminals. It discusses that every country in the world needs to have penal laws that protect the safety of individuals. This also explains how the law enforcement officials cannot pursue cybercriminals unless they have the legal tools necessary to do so.

3 Annotated Bibliography The primary focus of this article is on penal laws. Each country must have penal laws that protect the safety of every individual in it, that protect the property belonging either to individuals or to the community, and that prohibit interference with the legal system or even to the government. The argument created in this article is whether or not the criminals should be penalized. Since the answer to that is yes, then the argument is now on what the punishment(s) will be for these type of mobsters. This is important for one, and even the criminals to know because once they are aware of what the punishment will be for the atrocity being committed, many will disappear and the cybercriminal rate will gradually fall. Nir Kshetri (2005). Journal of International Management: Pattern of global cyber war and crime; a conceptual framework. 541-562 crime_A_conceptual_framework/file/79e41510a5f12d1165.pdf This journal proposes a model that explains sources of types of web attacks. It also interprets who the targets of the hackers are and what motivates them to execute these atrocities. Finally, it provides discussions and implications about the journal. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how hackers frame their actions and what factors encourage and their behavior. The author explains these facts in order for the victims and organizations to become aware of the situation and have an idea of when the hackers will target them next. Now that the communities are aware of who are the organizations with a big circle in their backs, if for some reason it is them, they have time to take action and begin establishing a plan of how to secure the agencys network. The

4 Annotated Bibliography attacker selects its victim based on economic value or symbolic significance, depending on their motivation and interests. eWEEK Online: Anonymous Avenges Megaupload Shutdown With Attacks on FBI, Hollywood Websites. (Jan 20, 2012) The eWEEK website explains how a group of hacktivists that are known as Anonymous, avenged when it was brought down from the world wide web by the U.S Copyright Office. Hours after the file sharing website disappeared, Anonymous hacked the FBI and U.S Department of justice and left a comment saying, We sincerely hope you like your own medicine! This article is crucial because the organization who is responsible for preventing the mobsters from committing cybercrimes, aka the FBI, has now become the victim of whom they are they are attempting to capture. Now that this atrocity has occurred, the community who still had some hope against cybercrime has been let down and many individuals in that discourse community will be a part of cybercrime instead of against, since one now believes that it is impossible to ever be captured. There is no solution regarding this situation, unless the FBI and other big crime stopper organizations are able to counter Anonymous attacks and hope they like their own medicine as they stated. ThreadPost Online: Cybercrime profits approaching those of the drug trade? (Jun 24, 2013)

5 Annotated Bibliography The websites article explains the annual financial loss resulted from cybercrime. This result was acquired from surveys that we done to about 20,000 individuals including 4,500 children. The yearly cost of cybercrime may have surpassed those of marijuana, cocaine, and heroine combined. This very recent article that has been provided in this website describes the annual losses resulting from cybercrime. This is important because the money lost on cybercrime could be used to the communitys benefits. The world is not only getting financially robbed, but is paying security experts to try and stop it. One year of cybercrime loses ($388 billion) is enough money to double education spending in sub-Sahara for the next 38 years. Therefore, selfishness needs to stop and mobsters must terminate their greediness; others have more needs and are not able to receive them because criminals make off with them to acquire their own wants. Nothing much can be done against this fraud, but diminish the amount of delinquents. Paypal-media Online: Combating Cybercrime: Principles, Policies, and Programs

The article that this website provides explains how it is not enough for this community to only have policies regarding this situation. Paypal believes that action is needed to counterattack this negative trend and they present arguments in favor of approach to dealing with this problem. This article is important because it states how the ignorance of internet users leads to leads to cybercrime against other internet users. This lack of awareness can be caused by lack of education from grade school through graduate level programs in Computer Science. Computer and Internet security has never been part of our everyday focus like

6 Annotated Bibliography computer literacy has been. In order for this disgrace to turn around, more students need to get involved in internet security courses and begin their own learning center to be able to teach other interested individuals. In other words, policies are not enough, actions need to be made and quick! Nickdmkt126 Online: Cybercrime: How Does It Affect Society? (April 26, 2005) This article states that cybercrime does affect society in crippling ways. It explains and proves how it affects the internet-user community negatively. It also describes why this topic should be pushed further to the front of media headlines. According to this article, cybercrime does affect internet users. Cybercrime threatens the security of ones personal information, the well-being of children, damage to personal property and poses a potential threat to severely disrupt the functioning of many nations. This affects children because child pornography has been on the rise and is considered cybercrime. The author believes that child pornography possesses a vile existence and should be extinguished at all costs (Nickdnmkt126 Online, 2005). Cybercrime affects adults in the way that their property gets stolen and many times the people have no idea of who the robber or robbers could be. Now that one is aware of the situation, the users can start utilizing some sort of protection against cybercriminals.

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