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LESSON PLAN 11 INTERMEDIATE GROUP THUR. 6 June 2013 Topic: Movies & Media 1.

SWBAT practice reading to comprehend a biographical story. 2. SWBAT recognize and correctly form participles as adjectives in reference to objects and events within a movie clip and pictures. 3. SWBAT use the passive with the word get/got, participles as adjectives, and the passive voice to write about a movie clip.

Vocabulary: poverty, abandoned, orphanage, dictator, silent film Grammar: Transitive & Intransitive verbs, Passive voice with Get, Participles used as adjectives Functions: Describing events to a friend, writing in the passive voice. Identifying participles used as adjectives within a reading, utilizing participles as adjectives to describe things,

Materials: Online: PowerPoint 06/06 Grammar in Context book (GIC) Worksheet 1 Writing activity handout Editing Handout

Students: Aram (Iraq) Fahad (Saudi Arabia)

Camila (Argentina) Francisco (Venezuela)

Claudia (Argentina) Saeed (Saudi Arabia)

Alaa (Iraq)

(BEFORE CLASS: OPEN COMPUTERS FOR STUDENTS WITH GOOGLE DOCS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS) Warm-up Ask the students if they have watched silent movies. Ask them if they have ever heard of Charlie Chaplin. Talk about what kinds of movies they have seen, and ask if they like old movies. TRANSITION Lets take a look at this reading about Charlie Chaplin to learn a little more about who he was.

LESSON PLAN 11 INTERMEDIATE GROUP THUR. 6 June 2013 Activity 1 Chaplin Reading Biography Objectives: Students will be able to recognize and identify participles used as adjectives within a reading. A. PRE - READING Pre-teach Vocabulary: considered, separately, transparent, remain, clever, illusion, replace

1) Go over the vocabulary wit the students. Ask them if they understand it all.

B. WITHIN - Reading Activity Have the students complete the reading and answer the comprehension questions.

C. POST - Discussion Ask the students to look at the bolded words. Ask them if they noticed if they have anything in common. Present the participles as adjective graphic to the students and discuss when we use it. TRANSITION Something that is also used a lot in the passive voice is using the word get. Activity 2 Passive with Get/Participles as adjectives practice Objective: Students will be able to correctly form and utilize passives with get A. PRE 1) Present the graphic on passives with get (pg. 75 GIC) 2) Explain that when we use the passive we sometimes use get instead of a form of to be. 3) Write the examples from pg. 75 on the board for the students to reference. 4) Provide each student with exercise 12 taken from pg. 75. (worksheet 1) B. WITHIN 1) Explain to each student that we will be watching a clip from a Charlie Chaplin movie. ( 2) Provide each student with a copy of worksheet 1. (this will contain items that the students will have to fill in and correct using passive with get and participles used as adjectives) 3) Watch the clip one time, with the students paying attention to the events in the clip. 4) Show the clip a second time, and ask the students to fill in the worksheet

C. POST - Discussion & Application 1) Ask the students to get into pairs to discuss their answers to the worksheet. 2

LESSON PLAN 11 INTERMEDIATE GROUP THUR. 6 June 2013 2) Come together as a class and ask about what kinds of things they had trouble with on the worksheet. TRANSITION Something that is important to know when we talk about or describe things are transitive and intransitive verbs. Activity 3 Transitive & Intransitive Verbs Objective: Students will understand transitive and intransitive verbs, and be able to identify and come up with example sentences that demonstrate this knowledge. A. Pre-Task- 1) Write the words on the board. Ask the students if they know what these words mean. 2) Explain the meaning of the words and provide an explanation using the chart from page 71 of the GIC book. B. WITHIN- Show the students the verbs in the PowerPoint one at a time. Have each student write down if they think it can stand alone or needs a direct object. C. POST- Have the students break up into small groups and come up with sentences that demonstrate that the verbs are transitive or intransitive. Once they are finished, ask one person from each group to share their sentences. TRANSITION Lets now go ahead and put some of the skills we have gained to use in editing a story that was written about a Charlie Chaplin clip. Activity 4 Editing Passives, Participles Objective: Students will be able to correctly identify and correct mistakes in formation of passive sentences, passives with get, and participles as adjectives A. Pre-Task- 1) Review with the students the difference between active and passive. 2) Review with the students participles used as adjectives. 3) show the students the charts from pgs 88-89 of GIC on the PowerPoint. 4) Ask the students if there is anything they still do not understand. 5) provide each student with the Editing advice handout (taken from pg. 89 of the GIC book) B. WITHIN- Have each student sit at a computer with the Google document open. Instruct them to use the editing advice to fix the errors in the text. C. POST- Go through together as a class to ensure that each student has edited the paragraph correctly. TRANSITION- We have practiced editing- now it is our turn to try writing about a movie clip Wrap-Up Charlie Chaplin Clip writing homework 3

LESSON PLAN 11 INTERMEDIATE GROUP THUR. 6 June 2013 Objective: Students will utilize their understanding of active, passive, tenses, and participles as adjectives to write a description of a Charlie Chaplin clip. Note: If there is not enough time to finish the activity, assign it as homework. Simply introduce the clip and explain it to the students. ( ) , the stories will be checked on Tuesday. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assessment Teacher will monitor students answers on the worksheets and handouts Teacher will listen to the responses provided when forming participles as adjectives Teacher can observe students abilities during the editing activity to see if they can correctly identify and correct mistakes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Potential ProblemsStudents may find the material uninteresting- Charlie Chaplin may not interest them. If this is the case, invite the students to try to find a clip from a favorite movie to write about for homework. The material may be challenging for the students especially the editing be prepared to share and offer assistance as needed. Some students may not have access to the internet if this is the case ask the student to simply write about what happened in their favorite movie or book. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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