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Joshua Erick R.


Pol.Sci.4; Dd3

Second-hand Smoke and the Work Place Submitted by: King County AFP WHEREAS, secondhand smoke is a proven carcinogen and health hazard with no minimal safe exposure level, and WHEREAS, no worker should be forced to breath toxic air as a condition of employment, and WHEREAS, everyone has the right to breathe smoke free air, and WHEREAS, 71% of Washingtonians support smoke free indoor public places, and WHEREAS, a policy of 100% smoke-free workplace is evidence based best practice recommended by the Centers for Disease Control to reduce the burden of disease and death from second hand smoke, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the WAFP supports the Washington State Legislature, Regulatory and Judicial efforts to affirm the authority of local governments to regulate workplace tobacco smoke exposure RESOLVED, that the WAFP supports the enactment of a statewide smokefree workplace law. RESOLVED, that the WAFP condemns any attempt to weaken current antismoking laws.

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