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Homework 1 Due September 12, 2012

1.1. (10 pt.) Given two vectors: A = 3ux + 4uy + 3uz and B = -5ux + 4uy - 3uz, find C = A + B and D = A B. Sketch the vectors. 1.2. (10 pt.) Find the scalar product of the two vectors A = 3ux + 4uy + 5uz and B = -5ux + 4uy - 3uz. Determine the angle between these two vectors. 1.3. (15 pt.) A vector A of magnitude 15 from (5, 5/4, 0) in Cylindrical system towards the origin (Fig. 1). Express the vector in Cartesian coordinates.

Figure 1.




1.4. (10 pt.) Evaluate the closed-surface integral of the vector A = xyzux + xyyuy + xyyuz over the cubical surface shown in Figure 2. Apply the divergence theorem to solve the same integral.

Figure 2. 1.5. (15 pt.) A hill can be modeled with the equation H = 5 x2 3y2 where H is the elevation of the hill. Find the path that a frictionless ball would take to experience the greatest change of elevation in the least change of horizontal position (max steepness). Assume that the motion is unconstrained. Hint: a gradient? (10 pt.) Calculate div(F) when F = r ur + z2 sin u + 3 uz.


1.7. (15 pt.) In the rectangular coordinates, verify that A 0 where A = x2 y2 z2 [ux + uy + uz] by carrying out the indicated derivatives. 1.8. (15 pt.) For a phasor V() = 8 + 4j find the sinusoidal signal that it represents if the frequency is 50 Hz.


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