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r Jagannthakam
Issued from the mouth of r Caitanya Mahprabhu
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kadcit klind-taa-vipina-sagta-taralo
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (1)
Who sometimes fervently plays His flute on the banks of the Yamun river in r Vnd-
vana, who is like a bumblebee that blissfully tastes the lotus faces of the Vraja-gops, and
whose feet are worshipped by great personalities such as Lakm, iva, Brahm, Indra, and
Gaeamay that r Jagannthadeva be the object of my vision.
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bhuje savye veu irasi ikhi-piccha kaitae
dukla netrnte sahacara-kaka ca vidadhat
sad rmad-vndvana-vasati-ll-paricayo
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (2)
Who holds a flute in His left hand, who wears a peacock feather on His head and a fine yel-
low silken cloth around His hips, who from the corners of His eyes bestows loving sidelong
glances upon His companions, and who is forever known as the one who performs wondrous
pastimes in the divine abode of r Vndvanamay that r Jagannthadeva be the object of
my vision.
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mahmbhodhes-tre kanaka-rucire nla-ikhare
vasan prsdnta sahaja-valabhadrea balin
subhadr-madhyastha sakala-sura-sevvasara-do
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (3)
Who on the shore of the great ocean resides in a palace situated on the gold-like crest of
Nlcala Hill accompanied by His powerful brother Baladevaj and between Them, His sister
Subhadr, and who bestows the opportunity to serve Him upon all the demigodsmay that
r Jagannthadeva be the object of my vision.
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kp-prvra sajala-jalada-rei-ruciro
ram-v-rma sphurad-amala-pakeruha-mukha
surendrair-rdhya ruti-gaa-ikh-gta-carito
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (4)
Who is an ocean of mercy, whose bodily complexion is as beautiful as a row of blackish rain-
clouds, who sports with Lakm-dev and Sarasvat, whose face is like a spotless fully-blos-
somed lotus, who is worshipped by the foremost demigods, and whose transcendental glories
have been sung in the topmost scripturesmay that r Jagannthadeva be the object of my
r Jagannthakam 23
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rathrho gacchan pathi milita-bhdeva paalai
stuti-prdurbhva prati-padam-upkarya sadaya
day-sindhur-bandhu sakala-jagat sindhu-sutay
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (5)
When Jagannthas Ratha-yatra cart is moving along the road, at every step assemblies of
brhmaas sing His praises. Upon hearing them, Jagnntha, being an ocean of mercy and the
true friend of all the worlds, becomes favourably disposed towards them. May that r Jagan-
nthadeva be the object of my vision.
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param-brahmpa kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano
nivs nldrau nihita-carao nanta-irasi
rasnand rdh-sarasa-vapur-ligana-sukho
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (6)
Who is the crown-jewel of transcendence, whose eyes are like the petals of a fully-opened
blue lotus, who resides at Nlcala, whose feet are placed on the head of ea, who is blissfully
immersed in bhakti-rasa, and who derives happiness from embracing the rasa-laden body of
rmat Rdhikmay that r Jagannthadeva be the object of my vision.
24 r Gauya Stava-Stotra eva Gti-guccha
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na vai yce rjya na ca kanaka-mikya-vibhava
na yce ha ramy sakala-jana-kmy vara-vadhm
sad kle kle pramatha-patin gta-carito
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (7)
I do not pray to Jaganntha for a kingdom, nor for gold, jewels, wealth, or even for a beauti-
ful wife as desired by all men. My only prayer is that r Jagannthadeva, whose splendid glo-
ries are always sung by iva, be the constant object of my vision.

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hara tva sasra drutataram-asra sura-pate!
hara tva ppn vitatim-apar ydava-pate!
aho dne nthe nihita-carao nicitam-ida
jaganntha svm nayana-patha-gm bhavatu me (8)
O master of the demigods! Quickly deliver me from this worthless worldly existence. O Lord
of the Yadus! Purge me of my limitless host of sins. Aho! You have promised to bestow Your
feet upon the fallen and shelterlessO Jaganntha Swm, please be the object of my vision.
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jagannthaka puya ya pahet prayata uci
sarva-ppa-viuddhtm viuloka sa gacchati (9)
One who carefully recites this sacred Jagannthakam, upon becoming sinless and pure-
hearted, will attain entrance into Viuloka.
r Jagannthakam 25

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