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Chicken Liver and Sweetbread Sauce

Although it is said that finanziera is a French sauce introduced in Piedmont two centuries ago, the Piedmontese claim it is one of the most traditional condiment of their regional cooking. Its curious name come from 19th-century Piedmontese tradition: innkeepers and restaurant chefs used to makefinanziera especially on market days, when traders and merchants would gather round their tables to talk about business. 7 oz. chicken combs 3 oz. veal sweetbreads 1/2 cup Marsala 3 oz. chicken livers 1 oz. mushrooms 1 oz. lean veal 2 oz. butter salt and pepper

Simmer the combs and sweetbreads into a pot with cold water for a few minutes. Strain and cool under cold running water. Peel the combs and chop the sweetbreads. Chop the combs, chicken livers and veal and brown in butter with the mushrooms. Add the sweetbreads and cook on low heat for 20 mins. adding some water or broth if necessary. Add salt, pepper to taste, pour the Marsala and let reduce a few minutes. This sauce is usually served with risotto or sweetbreads.

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