Intoxication Rules

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Intoxication Rules

Steps 1. Compare the # of Intoxication Points (IPs) imbibed to the character's Con 2. If IPs > Con, make a Con Check. (see Sobriety chart) (a) Success = Sobriety goes down one level (b) Failure = Sobriety goes down two levels 3. At each Sobriety level starting at Happy, make a Con check for each full IP imbibed (refer to 2) 4. Each hour of Imbibing, make a Con check (see Sobriety chart) (a) Failure = roll 1d6 i. 1-4 = Passes out ii. 5-6 = Throws up Sobriety Chart
Sobriety Level Sober Happy Tipsy High Wasted Blasted Soaked Con DC -----12 14 16 18 20 22 Effects* ---------1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

*Penalty effects on DEX, INT, WIS, and CHA scores Intoxication recovery
Intoxication Level Happy Tipsy High Wasted Blasted Soaked Recovery Time (hours) 1d4/2 1d6/2 1d4+1 1d6+1 1d4+3 1d6+4

Intoxicant content
Drink Intoxicant Points 2 0.5 0.3 18 1.8 96 2.4 60 1.5 11 1 30 3 1 3 2

Dwarven Beer (mug) Beer (mug) Light Beer (mug) Gin (bottle) Gin (glass) Vokda (bottle) Vokda (shot) Whiskey (bottle) Whiskey (shot) Wine (bottle) Wine (glass) Elven Wine (bottle) Elven Wine (glass) Ale (Mug) Dwarven Ale (mug) Mead (mug)

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