Referensi Turbin

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[1] Gurning, Wilson, Perancangan Turbin Uap Untuk PLTPB Dengan Daya 5 MW, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2010 [2] Maruli, Frans Aprio, Desain Evaporator dan Turbin Uap Pada Organic Rankine Cycle dengan Fluida Kerja R-134a, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2010 [3] Nishat, Asfia, Organic Rankine Cycle An Effective Way to Recover Low Temperature Heat for Power Generation, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan, 2013 [4] P.Singh, Murari, Steam Turbines Design, Application and Re-rating, McGraw-Hill, United States, 2009 [5] Quoilin, Sylvain, Lemort, Vincent, Technological and Economical Survey of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems, University of Liege, Belgium, 2009 [6] Saleh, Bahaa dkk, Working Fluids for Low-Temperature Organic Rankine Cycles, Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Austria, 2005 [7] Shlyakhin, Turbin Uap Teori dan Rancangan, Penerbit Erlangga, Indonesia, 1999 [8] Sulistiyono, Oktaviandita, Perancangan Turbin Uap untuk Organik Rankine Cycle dengan Fluida Kerja R-123 sebagai Pembangkit Listrik, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2011 [9] Vuthaluru, Hari, Bahadori, Alireza, Estimation of Performance of Steam Turbines using a Simple Predictive Tool, School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Australia 2010

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