Poetry Notes - Final

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Poetry Notes Lyrical Poems Characteristics - Expresses thoughts and feelings of persona (the speaker in the poem) - very

personal - emotions and opinions of the persona - feeling is powerfully conveyed - Non-narrative (does not narrate / talk about a story - dont have characters, setting, actions) - First person point of view (I, me, mine) - directly addresses the readers (you) - Repeated phrases / lines (refrain) - either exactly as it is, or with slight variation - Commonly in free form - no fixed number of stanza, words, rhythm metres Language used - Simile - Metaphor - Personification - Repetition - Onomatopeia - Imagery - Diction - comparing two things / ideas using as or like - comparing two ideas / things without as and like - giving human traits to non-living things - emphasise on an idea, create musical effect - words that represents sounds - words that make readers imagine things / scenery - lots of emotive words, strongly represents feelings

- Simple, everyday language - Strong, impactful words - Imagery - No comparisons (simile, metaphor) is used (emphasis on simple language) Main Theme - Folklores - Myth, legends - Current impactful events - Humorous or scandalous events - Grotesque (Ballad of Birmingham) - Love Sonnets Characteristics - A type of lyric poetry - Closed-form poetry (fixed form) - 14 lines long - 10 syllables for Shakespearean, 10 - 11 syllables for Italian - Iambic pentameter (unstressed - stressed pattern) - Has a turn (the climax of the poem) - meaning of the turn is different from the other stanzas Type & Form - Shakespearean: three quatrains (four lines each) and a concluding couplet (two lines) - rhymes abab cdcd efef gg - The turn occurs after the eighth line / after the tenth line / at the couplet - Italian (or Petrarchan): an eight-line octave and a six-line sestet. - Octave: rhyming abbaabba - Sestet: rhyming varieties of c, d and e (cdecde or cdcdcd) - The turn occurs between the octave and sestet - Octave normally opens the poem as the question sestet is the answer Language Used - Metaphors - Repetition of phrases / lines - Paradoxes (pairing of opposite ideas) Main Theme - About love or nature

Main Theme Emotion: love, grief and loss, proud, love in family Motivation: practice good values, advices Ballads Characteristics - Closed-form poetry (fixed form) - Often set to music, can be sung (because of its rhythmic features) - Tells a story - have elements of a story: characters, setting, plot, climax, narration, dialogue - Narration in third person p.o.v, Dialogues in first person p.o.v - Repeated phrases (in a form of chorus such as in songs) Form - Stanzas of four lines - Second and fourth line rhymes - Rhyme scheme - abcb - Rhythm: First, Third line - four stresses, Second, Fourth line - three stresses - Dialogues (people talking) and narration (description) Language used


Epic Characteristics - Long, narrative poem on a serious issue - Focus is on a heroic figure - whose deeds and actions could change the fate of the world - Setting is enormous - covers great geographical distances underworld, across time - Character is the ideal man of the time - has superhuman powers, divine traits - Presence of supernatural, immortals - being interested to the hero - celebrating the adventures and achievements of a hero (ceremonial) Form - Very long - Starts with asking guidance from Muse, to help tell the story of the hero - Opens in media res - in the middle of the climax (usually when hero is losing, or at his lowest point) - Voice of narration changes from time to time (author to Gods to characters) - Dialogues (long speeches) of characters - plot is non-linear jumps to any part of the story usage of flashbacks Language Used - Metaphor - Simile - Imagery - Symbolism - Epithet - descriptive expression of the characters (e.g: Father of Gods and Men - Zeus) Main Theme - Love - Family - Power - Heroism - Violence and suffering (of the people and the hero) Limericks Characteristics - A funny poem - Short poem - only five lines - made up of a triplet + a couplet

Form - Five lines - 1 triplet + 1 couplet - Line 1, 2, 5 - should rhyme, have 7 - 10 syllables Line 3, 4 - should rhyme, have 5 - 7 syllables - Rhyme scheme: aabba Language Used - Everyday words - No imagery, simile etc. - Sometimes have dialogues Main Theme - Usually nonsense - Sometimes bawdy - Always humorous Haiku Characteristics - A type of Japanese poem - Three unrhymed lines - 17 syllables altogether - Paints an image into readers mind - Capture a single moment of nature Form - Three unrhymed lines - Line 1 - 5 syllables Line 2 - 7 syllables Line 3 - 5 syllables - written in present tense Language Used - Always contain seasonal words (words that describe seasons and weathers summer snow, leaves etc.) - Everyday words Main Theme - Nature - Love


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