Ae2207 Thermodynamics Lab Manual

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To enhance the basic knowledge in applied thermodynamics


1. Performance test on a 4-stroke engine 2. Valve timing of a 4 stroke engine and port timing of a 2 stroke engine 3. Determination of effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger 4. Determination of effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger 5. Determination of heating value of a fuel 6. COP test on a vapour compression refrigeration test rig 7. COP test on a vapour compression air-conditioning test rig 8. Determination of specific heat of solid 9. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of solid. 10.Determination of Thermal Resistance of a Composite wall.


LIST OF EQUIPMENTS (for a batch of 30 students)

Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Details of Equipments 4 stroke twin cylinder diesel engine Cut section model of 4 stroke diesel engine and cut section model of 2 stroke petrol engine Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger test rig Bomb Calorimeter Vapour compression refrigeration test rig Vapour compression air-conditioning test rig Conductive Heat Transfer set up Composite wall Qty Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Experiment No. 1 2 3,4 5 6 7 9 10

VALVE TIMING DIAGRAM OF 4S-CI ENGINE Ex.No:1 Date AIM: To draw the valve timing diagram for the given four stroke engine. EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED: 1. 2. 3. 4. Measuring tape Scale Thread Feeler gauge :

FORMULA: Required angle = Distance x 360 Circumference of the flywheel Where, Distance = Distance of the valve opening or closing position marked on flywheel with respect to their dead centre. PROCEDURE: 1. First the TDC and BDC of the engine are found correctly by rotating the flywheel and the positions are marked on the flywheel. 2. Now the circumference of the flywheel is found by using the measuring tape. 3. The flywheel is rotated and the point at which the inlet valve starts opening is found out and its position is marked on the flywheel. 4. Similarly the position at which it closes is also found out. 5. The distances are measured by using thread with respect to their dead centre and converted into angles. 6. The same procedure is repeated for the exhaust valves also. RESULT: Thus the valve timing for the given four stroke engine is found out and is drawn. Inlet valve opens = Inlet valve closes =

Exhaust valve opens = Exhaust valve closes = TABULATION:


Distance from their respective dead centres in cm

Valve opening period in degrees

Inlet valve opens Inlet valve closes Exhaust valve opens Exhaust valve closes

PORT TIMING DIAGRAM OF 2S-SI ENGINE Ex.No : 02 Date AIM: To draw the port timing diagram for the given two stroke engine. TOOLS REQUIRED: 1. Measuring tape 2. Scale 3. Thread FIXING THE DEAD CENTRES: For fixing up the dead centre a chalk mark is made on the piston. The fly wheel is rotated. When the chalk mark coincides with the end of the cylinder a mark is made on the flywheel and it represents TDC. Now the flywheel is again rotated and the position at which the piston reaches the lower most position is noted on flywheel and it represents the BDC. IDENTIFICATION OF POSTS: The port which has more area and is nearer to the TDC is the exhaust port and the other is the inlet port. DIRECTION OF ROTATION: As the port opening and closing are symmetrical about the dead centre any arbitrary direction of rotation may be selected. FORMULA: Required angle = Distance x 360 Circumference of the flywheel :

Where, Distance = Distance of the valve opening or closing position marked on flywheel with respect to their dead centre. PROCEDURE: 1. The flywheel is turned in any arbitrary direction. 2. During the downward traverse position when it just uncovers a port it is marked as the opening of the port on the flywheel. 3. The rotation is further continued until the piston covers the port during its upward travel. 4. A mark is made on the flywheel against the fixed mark. This gives the closing of the port. 5. The same procedure is repeated for other ports also. RESULT: Thus the port time for the given two stroke engine is found out and the port timing diagram is drawn. Transfer port opens = Transfer port closes = Exhaust port opens = Exhaust port closes = TABULATION:


Distance from their respective dead centres in cm

Valve opening period in degrees

Exhaust port opens Exhaust port closes Transfer port opens Transfer port closes

Exp.No: 03 Date AIM: To find the performances characteristics of four stroke single cylinder vertical diesel engine. :

APPARATUS REQUIRED: Engine test rig. Tachometer, Stop watch, Measuring tape. ENGINE DETAILS: Engine type Power Bore Stroke Calorific value Specific gravity : : : : : :

FORMULAE: 1. Brake power: B.P = 2 N R (W-S) 9.81 60x1000 Where, kW

N = Engine speed in rpm R = Brake drum radius in cm W = Dead weight added in Kg S = Spring Balance reading in Kg 2. Total Fuel consumption: T.F.C = cc x Specific gravity x 3600 kg / hr



tf = Time taken to consume 10cc of fuel in seconds

cc = Amount of fuel consumption measured in cc 3. Specific fuel consumption: S.F.C. = T.F.C B.P 4. Friction power: Values taken from graph(BP Vs TFC) 5. Indicated power: I.P = B.P + F.P kW kg / kW hr

6. Mechanical efficiency: Mech = B.P x 100 % I.P 7. Indicated thermal efficiency: Ith = I.P x 3600 x 100 % T.F.C x C.V 8. Brake thermal efficiency: Bth = B.P x 3600 x 100 % T.F.C x C.V Where, C.V = Calorific value of fuel in kJ / kg(43000 kJ/kg) 9. Indicated mean effective pressure: I.M.E.P = I.P x 60000 L.A.N.k 10.Torque = B.P x 60 2n 11.Brake mean effective pressure: B.M.E.P = B.P x 60000 L.A.N.k N/m2 N/m2

Where, L = Stroke length, m A = Area = / 4 D2 D = Bore dia in m N = Speed / 2(for a 4Stroke engine) K = Number of cylinders

DESCRIPTION: The engine is four stroke, single cylinder, water cooled vertical diesel engine. The engine is connected to rope brake dynamometer. The burette is connected to the engine through three way cock to measure the fuel consumption. PROCUDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The fuel is first filled in the fuel tank. Then the cooling arrangements are made. Before starting the engine the brake drum circumference is noted. Before starting check and assure that there is no load on the weight hanger. Now the engine is started and the time taken for 10cc of fuel consumption is noted with the help of a stop watch. This reading corresponds to no load condition. Now place weight in the weight hanger and take the above mentioned readings. The spring balance reading is also noted down. The above procedure is repeated for various loads and the readings are tabulated. The calculations are done and various graphs are plotted.

GRAPH: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.P vs. T.F.C. B.P vs. S.F.C. B.P vs. mech B.P vs. ith B.P vs. bth B.P vs. Torque B.P vs. BMEP


Thus the load test on single cylinder four stroke vertical diesel engine is performed and its load characteristics are obtained.

TABULAR COLUMN: Spring Balance Error = Circumference of Brake drum = Serial number Speed rpm Dead

COP TEST OF AIR CONDITIONING UNIT AIM: To conduct performance test on air conditioning unit to determine the co-efficient of performance. SPECIFICATIONS: TYPE : ALTECH Vapour compression refrigeration air conditioning.

CAPACITY: Freon 12 REFRIGERANT : Hermatically sealed compressor CONDENSOR : Air cooled finned tube. EVAPORATOR : Finned tube with air flow duct surrounding POWER MEASUREMENT : By energy meter to get power input to the entire set , motor ,condensed fan, air blower. THROTTLING EXPANSION SYSTEM : Capillary tube or thermostatic expansion valve. AIR FLOW : By a blower. AIR FLOW MEASUREMENT : By pitot tube. AIR FLOW DUCT : 0.37*0.17 sq.m DESCRIPTION : The test rig consists of basic vapour compression refrigeration system along with air flow system. The refrigeration side consists of hermatically sealed compressor, condenser, and an evaporator. This refrigeration unit can be operated either with the thermostatic expansion valve or with the capillary tube as expansion device by using the control valves. The evaporator unit consists of a number of coils and forms as liquid refrigerant air heat exchanger. This unit absorbs heat from the air to be chilled. A blowe is used to circulate the air through the evaporator. A thermostat is provided to cut off the compressor when the air temperature reaches the required set value. A pitot tube is provided to measure the mass flow rate of air which is cooled. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE : 1. Note the ambient dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of atmospheric air. 2. By controls put in to operation the thermostatic expansion valve in the refrigerant line. 3. Turn on the air conditioner unit and set the thermostat at the required chill temperature.

4. at steady state condition note the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature of the chilled air in the duct. 5. Measure the air pressure difference across the pitot tube using the water manometer provided in the air duct. 6. Note the time taken for 10 revolution of energy meter disc to calculate the input energy to the air conditioner as a whole. This includes power input to compressor, condenser fan, air flower. 7. Repeat the experiment putting capillary tube into the operation cutting off the thermostatic expansion valve.

AIR SIDE OBSERVATION : S.NO Measuring points Dry bulb temp Wet bulb temp Specific enthalpy from chart. H1

1 2

Ambient air



Chilled air after T2d` T2w H2 evaporator coils Pitot tube water manometer level difference in the air duct = dH cm of water. MODEL CALCULATION : (1) AIR FLOW RATE : Pitot tube water manometer level difference Manometer pressure difference Dp Air velocity V Mass flow rate of air M = = = = = = = dH cms of water dH * density of water / density of air ( 2* g* dP)^0.5 m/sec 13.0(dH)^0.5 m/sec duct c.s area * velocity * density of air 1.16* A* V kg/sec 1.16 * A * 13.0(dH)^0.5 kg/sec

(2) REFRIGERATION EFFECT : Condition 1 refers to ambient and 2 refers to the chilled air Ambient dry bulb temp = t1d Ambient wet bulb temp = t1w Chilled dry bulb temp = T2D Chilled wet bulb temp = T2W From the psychometric chart, Total enthalpy of air at condition 1 = h1 KJ/Kg

Total enthalpy of air at condition 2 = h2 KJ/Kg Heat removed from air per kg = (h1-h2) KJ/Kg Total heat removed by the air conditioner = M *(h1-h2) KJ/Kg i.e, refrigeration effect (3) INPUT ENERGY TO THE AIR CONDITIONER : Energy meter constant N = 1200 rev / kw hr Time taken for 10 rev of energy meter disc = t sec Input energy E = (3600*100) / ( N * t) k w = ( 30/t) k w (4) COP OF AIR CONDITIONER : COP of air conditioner = refrigeration effect / input energy

COP TEST ON REFRIGERATION UNIT AIM: To conduct performance test on an refrigeration unit to determine the co-efficient of performance SPECIFICATIONS: Type Capacity Refrigerant Refrigerant compressor Condenser Evapourator Power measurement Throttling expansion system Air flow Air flow measurement Air flow duct DESCRIPTION: The test rig is a vapour compression system using the refrigeration Freon 12. The system consists of a compressor, a condenser, an expansion device and a evaporator. For throttling expansion, two devices are provided. 1) capillary tube 2) thermosetting expansion valve Any one of the two devices may be used by closing the other one with the controls. A chilled water is calorimeter used as a evaporator. It consists of a refrigerated SS vessel of required capacity placed inside a well insulated wooden box and provided with 1) evaporator coil 2) manual stirrer 3) electric heater 230 V, AC 4) the sensing bulb of a low temperature thermostat ALTECH Vapour compression refrigeration-air conditioning : tonne : FREON 12 : Hermatically sealed compressor : Air-cooled fine tube : Fine tube with air flow duct surrounding : By energy meter to get power input to the entire set, motror , condenser fan, air blower. : capillary tube or thermostatic expansion valve Any one may be used by controls : By a blower : By pitot tube : .37*.17 m^2

5) a high temperature thermostat 6) a thermometer to measure the chilled water temperature EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE: 1) Select the thermostatic expansion valve by opening the shut off valve on this line and closing the one on the capillary line. The solenoid manual switch is switched ON. 2) Start the compressor and run for some time so that the chilled water temperature in the evaporator calorimeter is lowered to about 15C. 3) Switch on the heater and slowly increase the power so that an equilibrium is reached between refrigeration capacity at about 15C and heater input while the compressor runs without ON-OFF regulation. If the ON-OFF switch cuts-off , increase the heater input and again balance at 15C. a) Connect energy meter to motor by keeping the knob on the selector switch against position M. Note time taken for 5 rev of the energy meter disc. b) Rotate the selector switch knob and keep against H so that energy meter is connected to heater. c) Note the pressure and temperature readings at locations 1,2,3 & 4 mentioned in table1. d) Switch off the heater and the mains. REPEAT THE REFRIGERATION LOAD TEST WITH CAPILLARY TUBE AS EXPANSION DEVICE: 1) select the capillary tube line by opening the shut off valve on this line and closing the one on the thermostatic expansion valve line. The solenoid manual switch is switched OFF. 2) Repeat the procedure described earlier. DATA SHEET: Sl.No 1 2 3 Expansion Device Ambient Temperature Evaporator chilled water temperature Time taken for 5 rev of energy meter disc Comp.Sm Heater.So Using Capillary Tube C C sec Comp.Sm sec Heater.So Using Thermal Expansion valve C C sec sec

Measuring Points 1. Evaporator Outlet Compression Suction P1 T1 h1 2. Compressor Outlet Condenser Inlet P2 T2 h2 3. Expansion Device Condenser Outlet P3 T3 h3 4. Expansion Device Evaporator Inlet P4 T4 h4 CALCULATIONS:

Kg/Cm^ 2

Kg/Cm^ 2


Kg/Cm^ 2

Kg/Cm^ 2


1) Heat equivalent of work input to compressor per minute, Qc KJ/min. Time taken for 5 rev of energy meter disc, Sm = sec. Meter constant =1200 rev/KWH. Motor input power, Qm= 5*3600*60 =900 KJ/min 1200*Sm Sm Mechanical efficiency of compressor=80% Qc=.80*Qm KJ/min 2) Refrigerating effect equal heater input power = Qo Time taken for 5 rev of energy meter disc, So = Qo=900 KJ/min So Refrigeration Capacity = Refrigeration Effect 210 = Qo Tonne 210 3) Actual Co-Efficient of performance of the refrigerating system. C.O.P for cooling = refrigeration effect Heat equivalent of compressor work input =Qo Qc Kj/min sec.

4) Refrigeration circulation rate. M= Qo*60 Kg/min Q Where Q= (h1-h2) h 1 = enthalpy corresponding to P1 & T1 h 3 = h 4 = enthalpy corresponding to P3 & T3 Refrigeration circulation rate, m m= 211 (Kg/ton of refrigeration) q (1 TR = 211 KJ/min) Theoritical COP = h 1- h 4 h 2- h 1 Actual COP = actual COP Theoretical COP


EX.NO:.8 DATE: AIM: To determine the viscosity of a fluid or liquid by virtue of which it offers resistance to its own flow. It is measured in poise. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the ratio of absolute viscosity to its density for the given temperature. The unit for kinematic viscosity is centistokes. Viscosity is the most important single property of any lubricating oil, because its the main determinant of the operating characteristics of the lubricant. If the viscosity of the oil is too low, a liquid oil film cannot be maintained between to moving or sliding surfaces, consequently excessive wear will take place. On the other hand if the viscosity is too high, excessive friction will result due to fluid friction. Measurement of viscosity of lubricating oil is made with the help of an apparatus called the viscometer. In a viscometer, a fixed volume of liquid is allowed to flow from given height through a standard capillary tube under its own weight and the time of flow in secondss is noted. The time is proportional to true viscosity. Redwood viscometer is commonly used in commonwealth countries. Redwood viscometer is of two types: Redwood viscometer No:1 is commonly used for determining viscosities of thin lubricating oils and it has a jet of bore diameter 1.61 and length 10mm. Redwood viscometer No.2 is used for measuring viscosities of highly viscous oils. It has a jet of diameter 3.8mm and length 15mm. FORMULA: 1. Density (D) = D15[1-A(T-15)]kg/m^3. Where, D15=Density of given oil=866kg/m^3 A=.00036 a constant T= Temperature of oil. 2. Kinematic viscosity (v)=At-B/t*10^-6 m2/s Where, A=.247, B=65, for T=85 to 200 seconds T= Time taken to collect 50ml in seconds A=.264, B=190, for t=40 seconds 3. Dynamic viscosity (m)= D*v NS/m2

PROCEDURE: 1. The leveled oil cup is cleaned and ball valve rod is placed on the gate jet to close it. 2. Oil under test free from any suspension and dust is filled in the cup upto the pointer level. 3. An empty conical flask is kept just below the jet. 4. Water is filled the bath and side-tube is heated slowly with constant stirring of the bath. 5. When the oil is at the desired temperature, the ball valve is lifted and suspended from thermometer bracket. 6. The time taken to collect 50ml of oil in the flask is noted and the valve is immediately closed to prevent any overflow of oil. 7. The result is expressed in redwood No.1 seconds at particular temperature. 8. Similarly the above procedure is repeated for the oil at various temperatures and the viscosity is found out. 9. Now a graph is drawn between the temperature and viscosity of oil. GRAPH: 1, Temperature Vs Kinematic Viscosity 2, Temperature Vs Dynamic Viscosity RESULT: Thus the viscosity of the lubricating oil is found out using Redwood Viscometer and the graphs are drawn.

COMPOSITE WALLS APPARATUS EXP NO 7 The apparatus consists of a plates of different materials sandwiched between two aluminium plates. Three types of slabs are provided on both sides of heater which forms a composite structure. A small hand press frame is provided to ensure the perfect contact between the slabs. A dimmerstat is provided for varying the input to the heater and measurement of input is carried out by a Voltmeter and Ammeter. Thermocouples are embedded between interfaces of input slabs, to read the temperatures at the surface. The experiment can be conducted at various values of input and calculation can be made accordingly. SPECIFICATIONS 1. Slabs size a. M. S. 25 cm x 25 mm thick b. Bakelite 25 cm x 10 mm thick c. Brass 25 cm x 10 mm thick 2. Nichrome heater wound on mica former and insulator with control unit capacity 200 watt maximum 3. Heater control unit 230 V 0-2 A single phase Dimmerstat (1 No.) 4. Voltmeter 0-250 volts 5. Ammeter 0-1 Amps 6. Multi channel digital temperature indicator EXPERIMENTS TO BE CARRIED OUT a. To determine total thermal resistance of composite wall b. To plot temperature gradient along composite wall structure EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 1. Arrange the plates properly (symmetrical) on both side of heater plate. See that plates are symmetrically arranged on both sides of heater plate (arranged normally) 2. Operate the hand press properly to ensure perfect contact between the plates 3. Close the box by cover sheet to achieve steady environmental conditions 4. Start the supply of heater. By varying the dimmerstat, adjust the input (range 30-70 watts) and start water supply 5. Take readings of all the thermocouples at an interval of 10 minutes until steady state is reached 6. Note down the steady state readings in the observation table

WALL THICKNESS a. M. S. b. Bakelite c. Brass OBSERVATIONS Sl. No. = 2.5 cm = 1.0 cm = 1.0 cm

CONDUCTIVITY 0.46 W/mK 0.12 W/mK 110 W/mK

Heat supplied (W) Temperatures C Voltmeter Ammeter T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

CALCULATIONS 1. Mean Readings a. TA = (T1+T2)/2 C b. TB = (T3+T4)/2 C c. TC = (T5+T6)/2 C d. TD = (T7+T8)/2 C 2. Rate of heat supplied Q = V x I Watts For calculating the thermal conductivity of composite walls, it is assumed that due to large diameter of the plates, heat flowing through central portion is unidirectional i.e. axial flow. Thus for calculations, central half dia. Area where unidirectional flow is assumed is considered. Accordingly thermocouples are fixed at close to centre of the plates. Now, Heat flux, q = [Q/A] Watts/m2 Where, A = [3.14/4]x d2 Where, d = half dia. Of plates A = 0.0122718 m2 1. Total thermal resistance of composite slab

R TOTAL = [TA-TD] / q m2 K/W 2. Thermal conductivity of composite slab KCOMPSITE = {q.b/[TA-TD]} W/m/K = total thickness of composite slab = 0.045 m 3. To plaot thickness of slab material against temperature gradient. NOTE : The heat flowing through different slabs does not essentially flow in axial direction but a part of it also goes radial outwards. Hence, real heat flow in axial direction for whole area of slabs is not known and hence by just knowing the temperature difference, thermal conductivity of the slabs cannot be determined. PRECAUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Keep the dimmerstat zero before start Increase voltage slowly Keep all the assembly undisturbed Remove air gap between plates slowly by moving hand press gently When removing the plates do not disturb the thermocouples Do not increase voltage above 200 V Operate selector switch of temperature indicator slowly b


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