6xssohphqw Udppduzkdwfkdpdfdoolwv7Khdevroxwhedvlfv: Sanskrit Supplement 2

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sanskrit supplement 2.

SuppIemenf Z. 0rommor whofchomocoIIifs--The obsoIufe bosics.

MOUMS Are nomes of peopIe pIoces onimoIs ond fhings. For
exompIe...krishno ArisfofIe koIkofo dog whoIes
-ll-l porpoises ink-pen ceII-phone efc. The "fhings" secfion
covers jusf obouf onyfhing you con nome...nighf doy
compossion onger knowIedge....
PPOMOUMS Are used insfeod of o noun. He she if fhey you I we
l=l-ll-l us...
VEP8S Are words fhof denofe ocfion. "I om reoding " fhe verb in
lll'l fhis senfence is "om reoding."
The Sonskrif verb Iefs you in onfo o greof deoI of hidden
Who performs fhe ocfion.
How mony perform fhe ocfion
Whefher fhe ocfion is in fhe presenf posf or fhe
fufure fense.
Whefher fhe ocfion denofes o wish on order or o
ADJECTIVES Are words fhof feII you more obouf fhe noun.
l=lFl!l7l A EHDXWLIXO boby. The EULOOLDQWsun.

SUFFIX Are odded fo fhe end of o word. For exompIe fhe Ieffers
'lll ed...in fhe word oddHG , en...in fhe word soffHQ .

PPEFIX Are odded fo fhe beginning of o word.
'lll ComforfobIe...8QcomforfobIe.

ADVEP8S Are words fhof feII you more obouf fhe verb.
llll=lFl!l7l She woIks VORZO\. He sings ZHOO. Mony odverbs ore
oIso :=ll s .

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