Middle Adulthood (40 To 65 Years) : Generativity vs. Stagnation

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ERICK ERICKSONS PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Generativity vs. Stagnation Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years) In this stage generativity refers to the adult's ability to care for another person. The most important event in this stage is parenting. Does the adult have the ability to care and guide the next generation? Generativity has a broader meaning then just having children. Each adult must have some way to satisfy and support the next generation. According to Erikson, "A person does best at this time to put aside thoughts of death and balance its certainty with the only happiness that is lasting: to increase, by whatever is yours to give, the goodwill and higher order in your sector of the world" The client was able to satisfy this stage because he lives with his own family. He possessed good traits a husband and a father should have and leads his family to the ideal kind of relationship.




Genital Stage (Puberty to Adult Life ) This stage begins at the start of puberty when sexual urges are once again awakened. Through the lessons learned during the previous stages, adolescents direct their sexual urges onto opposite sex peers, with the primary focus of pleasure of the genitals.[1] The less energy the child has left invested in unresolved psychosexual developments, the greater his capacity will be to develop normal relationships with the opposite sex.

Post-conventional Social Contract Orientation (Middle Age or Older Adult) In this stage, marked by a growing realization that individuals are separate entities from society, and that the individuals own perspective may take precedence over societys view; individuals may disobey rules inconsistent with their own principles. Post-conventional moralists live by their own ethical principlesprinciples that typically include such basic human rights as life, liberty, and justice.

Formal operational (11 years and up) The formal operational stage is the fourth and final stage of cognitive development in Piaget's theory. This stage, which follows the Concrete Operational stage, commences at around 11 or 12 years of age (puberty) and continues into adulthood. In this stage, individuals move beyond concrete experiences and begin to think abstractly, reason logically, and draw conclusions from the information available as well as apply all these processes to hypothetical situations. This meant using symbols and imagined realities, as well as reasoning systematically. . The client thinks abstractly and solves his problems. He is realistic in a way. There is also consistency of his thoughts and thinking of their future.


The client was able to satisfy this stage for the moment he got married, he decided to live in a separate household from his parents. Taking the responsibility of a husband, and as the bread winner. As a husband he serves as a loving companion to his wife. This factors indicate that our client establish a balance between various areas.

The client was able to satisfy the post conventional stage because client has his own principles in life and also he respects the rules and regulations of the society.


This is the longest period of Genital stage is the stage where young humans life. It is the stage in adults have a deepest pleasure that came which people are usually working from the opposite sex. and contributing to society in some way and perhaps raising their children. If one does not find proper way to be productive during this

Individuals are capable of principled reasoning. Their choice of action is based on their principles. Men use an ethic of justice and define moral problems in terms of rules and right. Women define moral problems in terms of obligation to care and to avoid hurt.

Young adulthood is the time where people think about social matter and what they can be in their future. They are capable in responding and solving their problems.

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