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List of Lessons at Seminar

11. Bases of design according to EN 1993-1-8

1993 1 8
2. Basics of structural joints
Hollow Section Joints 3
3. C l
Column bases
4. Other
Lessons C
ti D Design
i according
di tto E
d 3 ƒ Hollow section connections, EN 1993-1-2
ƒ Fire design of connections, EN 1993-1-2
Prof František Wald
Prof. ƒ S i i ddesign,
Seismic i EN 1998-1-1
1998 1 1

1 2

Scope of the Lecture General

ƒGGenerall ƒ Chapter
Ch t 7 off EN 1993
ƒ Failure modes ƒ Background CIDEC materials
ƒ Uni-planar and multi-planar joints
ƒ Example CHS members
ƒ Circular, square or rectangular hollow sections
ƒ Range of validity
ƒ Design charts
ƒ Uni-planar
Uni planar joints
ƒ Worked examples ƒ Combinations of hollow sections with open sections
ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l
ƒ Summaryy ƒ Detailed application
pp rules to determine the static
resistances of joints in lattice structures
3 4

Geometrical Types of Basic Joints Geometrical Types of Complex Joints

K joint KT joint N joint DK joint KK joint

X joint TT joint

T joint X joint Y joint

DY joint XX joint
5 6
Scope of the Lecture Failure Modes – Chord, Plastic
ƒGGenerall Rectangular Circular Chords of I or H

ƒ Failure modes

Chord face failuure

ƒ Example CHS members
ƒ Range of validity
ƒ Design charts
ƒ Worked examples

Chord sidde wall

ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l
ƒ Summaryy
7 8

Failure Modes – Chord, Shear Failure Modes - Brace

Rectangular Circular Chords of I or H Rectangular Circular Chords of I or H
Brace failure
Choord shear
Punchingg shear

Local buuckling


9 10

Circular Hollow Section Joints Circular Hollow Section Joints

ƒ Tube
T b model
d l for
f chord
h d face
f failure
f il ƒ Model
M d l ffor punching
hi shear
h ffailure

11 12
Circular Hollow Section Joints Rectangular Hollow Section Joints
ƒ Model
M d l ffor chord
h d shear
h ƒA
l i l plastic
l i lilines model
d l for
f chord
h d fface ffailure
for jjoints of type
y T, Y or X


Y joint Model

13 14

Rectangular Hollow Section Joints Rectangular Hollow Section Joints

d l off the
h bbrace effective
ff i width
id h ƒM
d l ffor the
h plastification
l ifi i or the h llocall bbuckling
ƒ Model of chord shear failure of the lateral chord side walls

15 16

Joints between Hollow Joints between Hollow

and Open Section Members and Open Section Members
ƒ Model
M d l off the
h brace
b effective
ff i width
id h ƒ Model
M d l off chord
h d shear
h failure
f il
ƒ Distribution of the stresses and deformations ƒ Shear of the chord in a K jjoint with ggapp
at the end of a RHS member

17 18
Joints between Hollow
and Open Section Members Scope of the Lecture
ƒ Model
M d l off the
h local
l l plastification
l ifi i off the
h chord
h d webb ƒGGenerall
ƒ Failure modes
ƒ Example CHS members
ƒ Range of validity
ƒ Design charts
ƒ Worked examples
ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l
ƒ Summaryy
19 20

Welded Joints
CHS Members - Range of Validity Between CHS Members in Uniplanar Joints
ƒ Brace member connections subject to combined bending
ƒ For welded joints between CHS brace members and axial force should satisfy
and CHS chords
Ni ,Ed ⎡ M ip ,i ,Ed ⎤ M op ,i ,Ed
0 2 ≤ di / d0 ≤ 1,0
0,2 10 +⎢ ⎥ + ≤ 1,0
N i ,Rd M ⎥⎦ M op ,i ,Rd
Class 2 and 10 ≤ d0 / t0 ≤ 50 generally ⎣⎢ ip ,i ,Rd
but 10 ≤ d0 / t0 ≤ 40 for X joints
Class 2 and 10 ≤ di / ti ≤ 50 Mip,i,Rd the design in-plane moment resistance, in table;
λov ≥ 25% Mip,i,Ed th design
the d i iin-plane
l i t
l acting
ti moment;t
Mop,i,Rd the design out-of-plane moment resistance, in table;
g ≥ t1 + t2 g

Mop,i,Ed the design out-of-plane internal acting moment.

21 22

Design Charts Scope of the Lecture

ƒ Bourrier P
P., Brozzetti JJ.:: ƒGGenerall
Construction metallique et
mixte acier
beton, Tome 2, ƒ Failure modes
Conception et mise en
oeuvre, Editions Eyrolles, C
ƒ Example CHS members
e 1,0

ƒ Range of validity
APK et ACIER, Paris, 1996. 0,9
f yo t o k p t0
N 1. Rd
0,8 θ1 = CT

N1.Rd f t kp 0,7
A1 f y 1 f y 1 t 1 sin θ1 10
ƒ Design charts
= Ce yo o
ƒ Worked examples
A1 f y 1 f y 1 t1 sinθ1 0,5


ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l
0,2 50

0,1 ƒ Summaryy
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 β
23 24
Worked Example K Joint RHS Range of Validity
Check the truss joint, diagonals 150×6 and chord 200×8 in For excentricity
angle 45°and gap 20 mm. Chord is carrying force N0.Sd = − 0,55 h0 ≤ e ≤ 0,25 h0

1363,6 kN, and diagonals 580 kN. Steel S355. 20 mm ≤ 0,25 × 200 = 50 mm

For diagonals
b b E
N1.Sd ≤ 35 ≤ 1,25
N2.Sd b1=150 t t fy



≤ 35 150 210000

≤ 1,25 ×

t1=6 6 6 355


For chord

542,8 1363 t0=8

h0 b0 h0 b0 + h0
0 ,5 ≤ ≤ 2 ,0 ≤ 35 ≤ 35 ≥ 25
b0 t0 t0 t0

200 200 200 200 + 200

b0=200 0 ,5 ≤ ≤ 2 ,0 ≤ 35 ≤ 35 ≥ 25
25 200 8 8 8 26

Failure Modes Chord Face Failure

The possible failure modes: The diagonal resistance
⎛ m m

t0 f y ⎜ ∑
2 ⎜ bi + ∑ hi ⎟
⎟k 1
N 1. Rd = 8,9 1 1
γ =
ƒ Chord face failure sin θ ⎜ 2 m b0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
γ M5
⎝ ⎠
8 2 × 355 ⎛ 150 + 150 + 150 + 150 ⎞ 1
= 8,9 × ×⎜ ⎟ × 0,902 × 12,5 × = 594,8 kN
ƒ Chord shear failure sin 45 ⎝ 2 × 2 × 200 ⎠ 1,15

Factor kn = 00,902
902 expresses the reduction due to shear force
ƒ Punching
P hi shear
h failure
f il

ƒ Brace failure 27 28

Chord Shear Failure Punching Shear Failure

Gap The diagonal resistance
⎛ h ⎞ sin (θ1 + θ 2 ) h1 h2 t0 f y
g = ⎜e + 0 ⎟ − − = ⎛ 2 h1 ⎞ 1
⎝ 2 ⎠ sin θ1 sin θ2 2 sin θ1 2 sin θ 2 N 1. Rd = ⎜ + b1 + bep ⎟ =
i θ
3 sin θ ⎝ sin ⎠ γ M5
⎛ 200 ⎞ sin (45 + 45 ) 150 150 8 × 355
= ⎜ 20 + ⎟× − − = 27 ,9 mm ⎛ 2 × 150 ⎞ 1
⎝ 2 ⎠ sin 45 × sin 45 2 × sin 45 2 × sin 45 = ×⎜ + 150 + 60 ⎟ × = 1 278,9 kN
3 × sin
i 45 ⎝ sin 45 ⎠ 1,15
Shear area
Av = (2 h0 + α b0 ) t0 = (2 × 200 + 0,241 × 200 ) 8 = 3586 mm 2 Th effective
The ff ti width
10 b1 t0 10 × 150 × 8
The resistance bep = = = 60 mm ≤ 150 mm = b1
b0 200
Av f y 1 3586 × 355 1
N 1. Rd = = × = 903,8 kN
3 sin θ γ M5 3 × sin 45 1,15

29 30
Brace Failure Final Resistance
For effective width R lti resistace
Resulting i t iis th
the minimum:
i i
10 b1 t0 f y 0 10 × 150 × 8 2 × 355
beff =
b0 t1 f y 1
200 × 6 × 355
= 80 mm ≤ 150
1 0 mm = b1 ƒ Chord
Ch d face
f ffailure
il 594 8 kN

ƒ Chord
Ch d shear
h ffailure
il 903 8 kN
is the diagonal resistance
ƒ Punching
P nching shear failure
fail re 1278 9 kN
N 1. Rd = t1 f y (2 h1 − 4 t1 + b1 + beff )
γ M5

1 ƒ Brace failure 937 2 kN

= 6 × 355 × (2 × 150 − 4 × 6 + 150 + 80 )× = 937 ,2 kN

The diagonal resistance 594,8

594 8 kN is higher compare to the
31 acting forces in both diagonals (580 kN). OK 32

W k dE
Worked Example
l - Gusset
G t Plate
Pl t Connection
C ti Range of Validity
Connect TR 200 × 200 × 6,3
C 6 3 by
b plate
l P15.
P1 F
Force FSd =150
1 0 kN
kN. Plate M1
Steel S355J2H. Bolts M 8.8. N1 t1 = 15
0,,2 h1 = 200
t 0 = 6,3
15 N0 N0 M0
= 0,075 ≤ 0,2
200 h 0 = 200 b0 = 200

h0 b0 h0 b0 + h0
0 ,5 ≤ ≤ 2 ,0 ≤ 35 ≤ 30 ≥ 25
b0 t0 t0 t0
200 200 200 200 + 200
0 ,5 ≤ ≤ 2 ,0 = 31,7 ≤ 35 = 31,7 ≤ 35 = 63 ,4 ≥ 25
200 6,3 6,3 6 ,3

33 34

Chord Face Failure Check

M1 = 6 kN
kNm M1 = 6 kN
N1 t 1 = 15 N1 t1 = 15
h1 = 200 h1 = 200

t 0 = 6,3 t 0 = 6,3
M0 M0
N0 = - 300 kN N0 M0 N0 = - 300 kN N0 M0

h 0 = 200 b 0 = 200 h 0 = 200 b 0 = 200

Additional factors
(2η + 4 )
t 0 f y ,0 1,1
η = h1 / b0 = 200 / 200 = 1 N1.Rd = 1 − t1 / b0 k m γ =
1 − t1 / b0 γ M0 γ Mj
km = 1
6,3 ∗ 355
( 1,1

γM0 γ j N 0 ,Sd M 0 ,Sd 1,1 ∗ 1 300 000 6 000 N1.Rd = 2 ∗ 1 + 4 1 − 15 / 200 k m γ = 0,0779
n= ( + )= + = 0 ,260 1 − 15 / 200 1,1 ∗ 1,0
1,1 A0 f y ,0 W0 f y ,0 1 4 745 ∗ 355 262,2 ∗ 355

k m = 1,3 ( 1 − n ) = 1,3( 1 − 0,260 ) ≤ 1,0 M pl ,1.Rd = 0,5 N 1.Rd h1 = 0,5 ∗ 0,0779 ∗ 200 = 7 ,79 ≥ M Sd
35 36
Scope of the Lecture CIDEC Materials
ƒGGenerall ƒ W
d i JJ., KKurobane
b Y
Y., P
k JJ.A.
A Dutta
D tt
D., Yeomans N.: Design guide for circular
ƒ Failure modes hollow section (CHS) joints under
predominantly static loading, CIDECT,
ƒ Example CHS members Construction with hollow steel sections,
ƒ Range of validity Verlag TUV Rheinland Gmbh, Köln, 1991.
ƒ Design charts ƒ Wardenier J., Dutta D., Yeomans N. Parker
J.A., Bucak O.: Design Guide for Structural
ƒ Worked examples Hollow Sections in Mechanical
ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l Applications CIDECT,
Applications, CIDECT Construction with
hollow steel sections, Verlag TUV Rheinland
ƒ Summaryy Gmbh,
G b , Köln,
ö , 1995.

37 38

Worked Example - End Plate in Tension Check of Plate

Check the end plate connection of CHS loaded in tension; Minimal plate thickness
force NSd = 450 kN. Steel S235. 2 N Sd γ M 0 2 × 450000 × 1,15
tp ≥ = = 16 ,3 mm
B d on CIDEC materials.
Based t i l f y π f3 235 × π × 5,30
e2=50 NSd Shape
p factor f3 is taken form ggraph
f 3 = 5,30 10

t p =20 for ratio on exes x of graph
d0 − t0 168 − 5
= = 0,617
d0 − t0 + 2 e1 168 − 5 + 2 × 51

d 0 - t0
d 0 - t 0 + 2 e1
8 x M20 - 8.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
NSd 39 40

Check of Bolts Scope of the Lecture

Bolt resistance ƒGGenerall
Bt . Rd =
0,9 AS f ub 0,9 × 245 × 800
= = 121,7 kN ƒ Failure modes
γ Mb 1,45
ƒ Example CHS members
asked number of bolts

⎟ ⎛

ƒ Range of validity
N Sd ⎜ 1 1 ⎟ 450000 ⎜ 1 1 ⎟ = 7 ,73
0,67 Bt .Rd ⎜ 1− +
f3 ⎛ r1 ⎞ ⎟ =
0,67 × 121700 ⎜
⎛ 186 ⎞ ⎟
ƒ Tables
⎜ f ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ 5, 30 × ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎜ r ⎟⎟
ƒ Worked examples
⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 135 ⎠ ⎠
and r1, r2 are calculated as
ƒ CIDEC materials
t i l
r1 = 0,5 d0 + 2 e1 = 0,5 × 168 + 2 × 51 = 186 mm

r2 = 0,5 d0 + e1 = 0,5 × 168 + 51 = 135 mm

ƒ Summaryy
41 42
Summary List of Lessons at Seminar
ƒ Chapter
Ch t 7 off EN 1993
18 11. Bases of design according to EN 1993-1-8
1993 1 8
ƒ Background CIDEC materials 2. Basics of structural joints
3. C l
Column bases
cu a , squa
squaree or
o rectangular
ecta gu a hollow
o o sect
o s 4. Other
ƒ Hollow section connections, EN 1993-1-2
ƒ Uni-planar and multi-planar joints
ƒ Fire design of connections, EN 1993-1-2
ƒ Combinations of hollow sections with open sections ƒ S i i ddesign,
Seismic i EN 1998-1-1
1998 1 1
ƒ Uni-planar joints

ƒ Curve fitting and analytical models

based on predicted mode of failure in limited range
43 44

Thank you for your attention


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