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Knowledge Capital Investment Group - Introduction

The Knowledge Capital Investment Group was founded by two professionals with over 30+ years of experience in the Industry India and abroad. The founders of KCIG, in their professional capacity, have been recruiting hundreds of candidates from business schools and working with them. They have also been regular at business schools as guest speakers. It is their sincere observation that there is a definite gap between the needs of the corporates and the ability of the fresh management graduates to become effective, upon entering the corporates as fresh entrants. KCIG was founded to offer value to B-School students with the aim to bridge this Industry Academic Gap. Enhancing Student value, Institution value and business value are the three value goals that KCIG strives to deliver. This means that KCIG shall Enable the student community move effortlessly into their career openings. Support the business school to record improved placements Help Corporates get better-equipped entrants who start contributing earlier and thus deliver value by reduced training and incubation costs KCIG engages with the business school to offer carefully designed programs which provide an in-depth exposure to students in the realities of the world of business and impart such practical skill sets that would readily equip them to start becoming effective. Business Reality @ Class room is one such program series whereby KCIG brings the industry stalwarts and business leaders to the class room for sharing their experience and wisdom. What we have today is a guest lecture on the topic of Knowledge Process Outsourcing, one of the high potential and emerging domains for India. I now request Mr Raghunathan, Founder of KCIG to introduce the speaker for the day, Mr T R Santhanakrishnan.

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