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Health Benefits of Malunggay Leaves

Scientific name: Moringa oelifera Malunggay leaves was once considered a "poor man's vegetables" but now it is known as a "miracle tree" or "nature's medicine cabinet" by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be an effective remedy against many kinds of ailments. All parts of the malunggay tree are usable for nutritional and medicinal purposes - from the roots, trunk, and branches to the leaves, flowers, and seeds. The small, oval, dark-green leaves are famous vegetable ingredient in soup, fish and chicken dishes. The leaves can actually be eaten raw, but best added in meals due to its high concentration of nutrients. The roots is used to make tea, while the trunk, after it's scraped and squeezed for its juice is used to clean wounds. Malunggay trees are generally grown in the backyards in countries of Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. It is said that these plants are "low maintenance," requiring little to no care. Malunggay Products: fresh leaves or vegetables, powder or supplement form, tea. Some product where malunggay leaves is included are bread, oil (for cooking and cosmetic ingredients), shampoo and conditioner, ice cream, etc... Health Benefits: Malunggay leaves helps strengthens the immune system .

Malunggay can help restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines. Malunggay tea can help strengthen the eye muscles.

Malunggay tea can help heal inflammation of the joints and tendons. Malunggay tea can prevent intestinal worms. Malunggay can help increase semen count. Malunggay help normalize blood sugar level therefore preventing diabetes. Malunggay has anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) that help stop the growth of cancer cells. Malunggay helps relax and promotes good night sleep. Malunggay tea is used to treat fever and asthma. Malunggay help heals ulcers. Malunggay is high in calcium (four times the calcium in milk), therefore lactating mothers are advised to consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for their babies. The young malunggay leaves are also boiled and taken as tea. Malunggay contains three times the potassium in bananas. Malunggay contain four times the vitamin A in carrots. An ounce of malunggay has the same Vitamin C content as seven oranges. Malunggay leaves contain two times the protein in milk. Malunggay seed is used to clean dirty or polluted water. Comments

melshomecorner 12 months ago Wow great hub ! very interesting Melinda Winner rose ann barcelona 12 months ago .,this article was good..,i am only a student but i appreciate this..,.i've learned a lot from this..and influenced me a lot!..tnx...kip up the gugwork! randolph mangahas 11 months ago many people will know how malunggay plant keeps us in good health and helps poor eye sight. more power! God bless! ana montgomery 10 months ago

thank you for sharing of this article it gives me more knowledge about certain plants which i can see very often grows at the backyard of some neighbors. thank you and more power godbless !!! John Opawsh 8 months ago Malunngay is the best! FELY POSADAS MELANIO 8 months ago love ittttttttttttttt......fely posadas melanio alexa 8 months ago Malunggay can also make u keen! Get some leaves of it, include the stem. Clean it, then boil. Drink the extract of it daily then after 3 days you will be shock of how keen you are. It makes you thin because, whenever you drink it it seems to make you thirtsty so you would drink then you will urinate. Some of the toxins in your tummy will join the urine, so thats it! ;) * sorry if i mispelled words and have wrong grammars. Im only 12, a Filipina. hannahorizonte 7 months ago i really salute this miracle plants a very helpful it helps me a lot.. i have a amoeba..i suffered a lot..i cant do all the things i want, i tried to use this and i appreciate it really..a very helpful one... malunggay is the best!! cecile 7 months ago really good for the health...from now on, i'll try to have that Malunggay Tea. yhomzky 7 months ago i just ignored malunggay leaves before. we have a lot of it in our province, but now i know how useful is it... i'll take malunggay everyday! analiza miller 7 months ago thanks a lot for the information. i will used malunggay to take care of husband my love..

Francis Reynon 6 months ago Thanks for sharing the information and benefits of malungay sumcii 6 months ago Thanks for sharing this malunggay benefits. now I will drink malungay tea and rest of my family. More power to the malunggay tree. helen 42 6 months ago i had a sleep disorder, but when i started drinking malungay tea i had a good sleep the whole night... it's so why not try it by yourself... Jacaa 6 months ago i love this article, it helps me realized that good health need not to be expensive. more power. God bless.-+ dave 6 months ago we have thousands malunggay tree in our place i dint know it has a lot of benefits my mother use that for her cooking. sad to say its really cheap to sale it or no one interested to buy coz it grows all over the place ernee m. 6 months ago Try this miracle leaf and you will find differences. jay paquera 6 months ago thank you for the clue. divine G. 5 months ago it was a miracle! because i used to prepare malunggay to my husband every morning.. and it really a big help to him.. especially to his liver problem johanna 5 months ago before i didn't like malunggay because it's vegetables but when i heard about the nutritions it takes i always excited eating malunggay!!^_^ liezl 5 months ago wow thanks a lot for the information. I couldn't even believe myself how useful is the malunggay. Sometimes i just take it for granted.. But not anymore..Thank u sooo much.. keep posting.. joeri 5 months ago

as for me it's really gods miracle plant clarisse 5 months ago you're article is very nice because it informs the people about the benefits of moringa oleifera.. Mitzi 5 months ago Thanks for posting about malungay,actually i dont know how alot of benefits you can get to this kind of tree.When i read about the benefits of this plant i was shock because its really tnx alot hope that people will start using malungay coz you feel different you cant explained how its happend its totally miracle....godbless eli 5 months ago this article is very informative. thank you very much. hayazint 5 months ago tnx for the informaton about malungay,,,

borge_009 4 months ago We have more or less 20 trees of malunggay in our backyard. And almost everyday, our neighbors are asking for malunggay leaves. Malunggay is part of our food, we usually eat food with malunggay 2-3 times a week. Thanks for the info. JVN VEGGIE CHIPS 4 months ago JVN VEGGIE CHIPS SELLS DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS SNACK LIKE MALUNGGAY CHIPS, CARROT CHIPS, AMPALAYA CHIPS, LUYANG DILAW CHIPS, ONION-GARLIC CHIPS, CARROT-KALABASA CHIPS AND TAHONG CHIPS( ORIGINAL AND SPICY) WE ALSO MAKE MALUNGGAY POWDER, MALUNGGAY CAPSULES, AND MALUNGAY TEA. ALSO MALUNGGAY POLVORON. CALL 09157941208 09291918041 09273408345 LOOK FOR MR. JANI BALLESTER . ALSO EMAIL mayskie_74 4 months ago i used to be around 74lbs, asthmatic, with allergic histories... allregens and stress used to give me migraines, malaise and all... but after taking malunggay for the past 7 days, my life had been much different... im about 63lbs now, i dont have difficulty in breathing, i havent had any allergic reactions in 7 days, i sleep well, and most of all, my skin is exceptionally improved in 1 week..

i dont boil it 'coz it will only spoil the nutrients, rather, i juice it.... here's my recipe: 1 cup malunggay leaves(leaves only) 2 1/2 cups water 3 tablespoons honey kalamansi juice(about 3-4 pcs) i simply grind the mallunggay with little water on a blender or osteorizer, then once the consistency became fine, i add the rest of the ingreadients and blend/puree it.. and viola! a very tasty malunggay juice!... add some ce to make it more refreshing... consume about 2-3 glasses a day and you'll see the difference in less than a week :-) Carlo Tan 4 months ago Malunggay keeps my sex life healthy and increasing my sperm count rodel zapanta 3 months ago I use to make no pansin to the said veggie, now that ive learn lot from this miracle tree ,i planted a lot in my backyard and now i have a lot and i share to my pelow kabarangay. ty very much... Yow 3 months ago do malunggay can remove pimples? and if yes! how? Rose Tabliago 3 months ago Indeed a miracle tree!Can prevent 300 diseases.drink first vita has 5 power herbs,malunggay,dahon ng sili, saluyot, uray, and talbos ng kamote.for more info pls. call or text. 09391626424 or email ernie isales 2 months ago WOW! This is a really great information. I can now save a lot of money because i can have most of the vitamins and minerals and protein i need just by putting malunggay in my meal/s. I don't have to buy milk and cheeze for now. Thanks a lot.... ruel c.magararu jr. 2 months ago

how about malunggay capsules that are sold in the market,are they good and effective as the freshmalunggay? hakim 2 months ago it really works for me,,you guys can try too,,anybody want to plant here in jeddah ksa contact me 0566114014 i've planted few here & collected lots of seeds,,,thanks robert 2 months ago it is indeed a miracle tree but how can i purchase the ORGANIN MORINGA POWDER IN CAPSULE FORM because i'm working outside Philippines.Please advise.....Thanks Roberto Viray 2 months ago please email me @ on how i can purchase the capsule form.Thanks... aiesalas 2 months ago we got plenty of malunggay here in the philippines, now im very interested witht he benefits of this plant. we used this for in cooking like in the soup of fish or chicken, anyway thanks for the information josie 2 months ago I love to eat malunggay, its gives us energy rosie 2 months ago to all of you friend who are interested to get the nutrients of malunggay and cant afford to get it fresh.You'll have it in juice form.It is purely is done through cold processing so youll be able to get all the nutrients stated.Malunggay's nutritonal and medicinal qualities can prevent and cure illnesses. for those who are interested e mail me at or text/call me 09393718475. leonor 2 months ago for those who needed malunggay leaves or seeds i have more trees of malunggay besides my home.Dont hesitate to contact me. toto remos(philippines) 2 months ago yes Malunggay is very effective and it cures my Gastric ulcer.i'm taking malunggay capsule due to my gastric ulcer. i've spend a lot of money going back to my doctor becoz of this. my wife encourage me to try malunggay capsule becoz she has attended a seminar regarding the benefits of malunggay and it works at the same time it increases my semen count that is why my wife got pregnant after 18 years. Joh Lapez 7 weeks ago

I used to blend Malungay juice everymorning and I recognized myself that all of my stress are gone. . . it makes me energetic in doing my works. jeniefer ivy arayata 7 weeks ago malunnggay helps me a lot in breastfeeding my baby. plus i became stronger (used to be sick always). i use it everyday in my meal. sinigang(fish, chicken, beef, pork), plain broth soup.taste good really.most esp. when you use young leaves.yummy!!! once you've tasted it, u'll always crave for it! eureka94 6 weeks ago malunggay can also purify water! jacob 5 weeks ago my malunggay recipe is very simple just mix the malunggay leaves to your hot milk,chocolate etc,remember boil hot water for 2-3 mins, venus 5 weeks ago the malunggay leaves prevent my alergy New Builder Homes for Sale 5 weeks ago I think malunggay is healthier than spinach. Merlyn B Bacaltos 5 weeks ago My husband and I are very happy knowing that malungay has 300 health benefits. We used to cut our malunggay tree in our back yard because we thougth it spoils some plants in our garden, and every now and then our neighbor always asking for it. Now, after we learned of this miracle and medicinal tree. We will plant more so that more can benifits of this miracle tree. Mane 2 weeks ago I have an organic malungay powder that was gifted to me a year ago. Are this still good to consume? I tried using it like a tea by adding 1 tbsp in a 1 cup of boiling water. The malungay powder does not dissolve in a hot water and it leaves massive amount of pulp. Do I have to drink that pulp too??? Can I use this powder for cooking instead? Please HELP! Thank you! conivid 13 days ago every backyard should have to have a "miracle tree"! excited to plant one... jackie 10 days ago

thanks for the malunggay tree, a miracle tree it really helps for my family specially for my sons whom is really ashmatic and now they live a normal life because of eating malunggay leaves. manoy 8 days ago Me and my wife are taking malunggay leaves raw, fine powdered by blender. gulped with the help of cold water. I'm trying to lower my blood sugar and my wife just does it so that I have company. Every time we take it, instantly we develop LBM. Thru the night and sometimes with little let-up, we go to the toilet. We sleep well after and wake up in the morning refreshed and rejuvenated. After much reading, we believe this is malunggay detoxifying our body. I lost 10 pounds straightaway in two nights doing this routine. I wake up feeling good as well. That's so far the obvious benefits. I will check my blood sugar after a month. I will keep you posted later about the results. Bolong Pogi 2 days ago I am 52 years old male Filipino. I buy freshly harvested Malunggay leaves and drink its juice everyday. I use to have migraine and chronic headache. It is very effective. Recent result of my blood exam is satisfactory. The bonus is - I have been experiencing prolonged erection and increased sexual appetite. I will take malunngay as long as it is available anytime and anywhere. rex 38 hours ago thanks to this i have a research thank you Mae Gabor 29 hours ago This is directed to Leonor. Where are you located? Can you please send me some seeds and direction for planting? My email is if you can let me know. My mailing address is 5351 Commercial Blvd, Juneau, AK 998901 leonor 2 months ago for those who needed malunggay leaves or seeds i have more trees of malunggay besides my home.Dont hesitate to contact me. Mae Gabor 28 hours ago To Merlyn B Bacaltos & everyody else How do you plant? Do you plant a seed or do you root a trunk or plant with roots? Can anybody share something to be planted? Please email or post response here.

My husband and I are very happy knowing that malungay has 300 health benefits. We used to cut our malunggay tree in our back yard because we thougth it spoils some plants in our garden, and every now and then our neighbor always asking for it. Now, after we learned of this miracle and medicinal tree. We will plant more so that more can benifits of this miracle tree

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