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Line Addressing

To overcome the problem of printing duplicate lines, you should use the -n option whenever you use the p command. $ sed -n 1,2p emp.lst $ sed n $p emp.lst To reverse line selection criteria, use !. $ sed -n 3,$!p emp.lst To select lines from the middle, do as: sed -n 9,11p emp.lst

Line Addressing
You can select multiple sections as follows: $ sed -n -e 1,2p -e 7,9p -e $p emp.lst The second form of addressing lets you specify a pattern (or two) rather than line numbers. This is known as context addressing where the pattern has a / on either side. You can locate the senders in your mailbox: sed -n '/From: /p' /var/mail/cs497c

Context Addressing
sed n /^From: /p /var/mail/cs497c sed n /wilco[cx]k*s*/p emp.lst You can also specify a comma-separated pair of context address to select a group of contiguous lines: sed n /johnson/,/lightfoot/p emp.lst To list files which have written permission for the group: ls l | sed n /^..w/p

Editing Text
Apart from selecting lines, sed can edit text itself. Like vi, sed uses the i (insert), a (append), c (change) and r (read) commands in similar manner. Use the a command and have a \ at the end of each line except the last one.You can append two lines in this way: $ sed $a\ > # Place this line at the end > $$

Editing Text
You can use the following command to insert the blank line before every line:
sed i\ foo

In C Shell, this needs to be done in this way:

sed i\\ \ foo

Editing Text
The r (read) command lets you read in a file at a certain location of the file.
sed /<FORM>/r template.html form_entry.html

The d (delete) command removes lines. sed /^#/d foo > bar The w (write) command writes the selected lines to a separate file.
sed /<FORM>/,/<\/FORM>/w forms.html *.html

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