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East Norfolk Sixth From College

Risk Assessment Form


Activity / Task: Baker Street Music Video Please ensure that ALL staff & students (where necessary) are made aware of the findings Identified hazards Who might be harmed & how? Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment Talent, Crew & Equipment What are you already doing? Taking extra care to acknowledge all known road safety regulations, e.g. Green Cross Code. Paying close attention to our surroundings to maximise safety. Being aware of weather reports in advance of filming. Making sure everyone has a phone number and sticking together. None None None None


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What further action is necessary? (write none if appropriate)

Crossing the road Trip Hazards Water Damage Getting Lost

Action Plan from further action

By Who

By When (Date)

Please ensure that the Assessor and Line Manager have signed this prior to it being passed to the H&S Co-ordinator Assessed by: Name: Daryl Gilham Signature: Assessment upon completion Accepted by Line Manager: Date: of action plan LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH (Delete as appropriate) Name: S Offord/Ellie Buchan (delete as appropriate) Please ensure this is filled out fully and correctly Signature: Date:

H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: June 2011

East Norfolk Sixth From College

Risk Assessment Form

All risk assessments are subject to an annual review by the assessor; this may be sooner subject to any significant changes to the activity / task.

H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: June 2011

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