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Text-Based Argument

Jonelle McAninch 8th Grade English Language Arts

Students will create persuasive pieces that support a clearly stated position with concrete evidence. Students will read closely to determine what the text says to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking Students will write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence Students will introduce claims, acknowledge and distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically SC 8-5.4, CCRA. R.1, CCSS.W.8.1, CCSS.W.8.1a

Introduction of Text

Before Reading: 5 word Prediction Extra-curricular


Taxes Committed

Forced to Eliminate


Create a prediction about our text using these 5 words or phrases.

Vocabulary word is?


Cash-strapped, responsible, or critics?

First Read
As you listen:
Place a + next to everything you AGREE with

Place a next to everything you DISAGREE with

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During - First Read

Turn with a seat partner and discuss the following talking points: Which side do you agree with? Are there possible causes for this argument that were not stated? What effect did the graphic features and organization have on the text? Find and underline a credible source from each argument.

Jot notes down on your graphic organizer

My Claim

Evidence from text to support 1.

Talking Points: Which side do you agree with? Why? Discuss possible causes for this debate that were not stated. What effect did the graphic features and organization have? Go back into the text and underline a creditable source that supports the bias for each argument.



Opposing Argument

Possible weaknesses, lack of evidence or missing justifications

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