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Seven Deadly Sins

Examination of Conscience PRIDE

Jesus, help me overcome the sin of pride. More than any sin, pride putting myself ahead of you and others keeps me far from you.

Father, at times I can be so lazy, so distracted. Help me to overcome the sin of sloth. I need your help not only in living up to my responsibilities at school and with my family, but I need your help in actively seeking You.

Have I refused to admit my own weaknesses? Have I dwelt on the failings of others? Have I judged others, in my thoughts or words? Have I ranked myself better than others? Have I refused to learn from others? Have I been stubborn? Refused to admit I was wrong? Refused to accept that another person had a better idea? Have I been arrogant? Have I neglected to use the talents that God has given me? Have I lied or exaggerated to make myself look good? Have I wasted undue time and money on clothes and appearance?

God, sexual temptation is everywhere. Please give me the grace to overcome the sin of lust and impurity. Give me your eyes, give me your heart so I no longer see people as objects but as deserving of love.

Have I sought God above all else, or have I put other priorities ahead of him? Have I got so caught up in the things of this world that Ive forgotten God? Have I risked losing my faith by bad company, bad reading, cowardice, or pride? Have I trusted God, especially in times of difficulty? Have I attended Mass each and every Sunday? Do I seek to grow in my relationship with God by praying everyday? Have I entertained distractions in prayer, or failed to give God due concentration in prayer or in the Mass? Have I taken the Lords name in vain? Or used other foul language? Have I been lazy in helping others? Have I been more focused on myself than on the needs of others? Have I wasted time needlessly? Especially with TV or the internet?

Have I viewed other people as mere sexual objects rather than as persons to be loved? Have I looked at pornography? Have I entertained impure thoughts? Have I masturbated? Have I engaged in sexual activity with another person?

Lord Jesus, it is so easy to become jealous of what others have. Help me overcome the sin of envy so that I am satisfied with what you have given me and I use it for your glory.

Holy Spirit, we live in a world that tells us that happiness can be bought. Help me overcome the sin of greed and materialism. Help me to realize that nothing in this world can fulfill my hearts desires like you can.

Have I envied or been jealous of the abilities, talents, ideas, appearance, intelligence, clothes, possessions, money, friends, family, of another? Have I damaged the reputation of another person by my words, attitude, or looks? Have I repeated accusations that might not be true? Have I exaggerated? Have I failed to defend the reputation of others? Have I failed to keep secrets?

Have I been overly concerned about my own comfort and well-being? Have I been resentful of my lack of money? Have I been generous in giving? Have I given with a cheerful heart? Have I cheated or stolen? Have I used people for my own ends and advantage? Have I wasted money?

Heavenly Father, I need your help to overcome my anger, my frustration, my resentment. When I am hurt, and when I am wronged. Help me forgive.

God, help me overcome the sin of gluttony and overindulgence. I need your Spirit to help me grow in selfcontrol.

Have I eaten more than I need? Have I drunk alcohol excessively? Have I eaten greedily and with little consideration for the presence and needs of those at table with me? Have I always fasted an hour before receiving Holy Communion at Mass?

Have I been resentful, held grudges? Have I nurtured imaginary angry conversations? Have I been slow to forgive? Have I lost my temper? Have I been impatient with people, family, events, sufferings, sicknesses?

The life of each and every one of us has been written. The crucifix is my autobiography. The blood is the ink. The nails the pen. The skin the parchment. On every line of that body I can trace my life. In the crown of thorns I can read my pride. In the hands that are dug with nails, I can read avarice and greed. In the flesh hanging from him like purple rags, I can ready my lust. In feet that are fettered, I can find the times that I ran away and would not let him follow. Any sin you can think of is written there.

If you were the only person on earth, Christ would have still suffered and died for you.

St. Croix Catholic Youth Ministry - Adapted from Examination of Conscience based on the 7 Deadly Sins by Fr. Dylan James

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