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Social Marketing



Social marketing: is the planning and implementation of programs designed to bring about social change using concepts from commercial marketing.

Social Marketing: BASIC ELEMENTS

Know your AUDIENCE (really!): and put them at the center of every decision you make. Social marketing begins and ends with your target audience.

ACTION: The process of heightening awareness, shifting attitudes, and strengthening knowledge is valuable if, and only if, it leads to action. Be clear in what you want your audience to do.

EXCHANGE.: If you want someone to

give up, or modify, an old behavior or accept a new one, you must offer that person something very appealing in return. In social marketing, you must know your audience well enough to understand what will motivate them to make changes in their lives.

THE FOUR Ps of Marketing:

1. PRODUCT: represents the desired behavior you are asking your audience to do, and the associated benefits, tangible objects, and services that support behavior change.

Examples : 1. receiving a winter flu vaccine, with the benefit that you are more likely to be able to spend holidays with your family and not in the hospital.
2. exercising a certain amount, with the benefit that you feel more energetic and in control of your life.

3. a journal to plan and track weekly exercise activities, 4. a hotline that parents can call with questions about drugs.


is the cost (financial, emotional, psychological, or timerelated) or barriers the audience faces in making the desired behavior change.
Price leads you to plan interventions that reduce the costs of the desired behavior or increase the costs of the competing risk behavior. For example: offering a lunch-time walking club at work to address barriers of lack of time and convenience for exercising, raising cigarette taxes to increase the financial costs of smoking


is where the audience will perform the desired behavior, where they will access the program products and services, or where they are thinking about your issue. For example: 1.interventions may include offering immunizations in a neighborhood or mobile clinic, 2. offering nutritional information on a restaurant menu or grocery store food shelf

4. PROMOTION :stands for communication messages, materials, channels and activities that will effectively reach your audience.


refers to the laws and regulations that influence the desired behavior, Examples: requiring sidewalks to make communities more walk able, or prohibiting smoking in shared public spaces. imprisonment for drunk driving. as well as understanding or changing those policies or laws that may act as barriers to the behavior (such as inconvenient clinic locations).


A social or behavior change strategy Most effective when it activates people Targeted to those who have a reason to care and who are ready for change Strategic, and requires efficient use of resources Integrated, and works on the installment plan


Just advertising A clever slogan or messaging strategy Reaching everyone through a media blitz An image campaign Done in a vacuum A quick process


Barriers: Hindrances to desired behavior changes that are identified by the audience. These may be factors external or internal to audience members . (e.g., lack of proper health care Facilities)


Advantages that the audience identifies, which may or may not be directly associated with a behavior. These can be framed as the positive results, feelings, attributes, and so forth that the audience will obtain from the desired behavior change. Benefits are what you offer to the audience in exchange for the new behavior and can be thought of as whats in it for them. For example, mothers (audience) will create a loving bond with their newborns (benefit) when they breastfeed for at least six weeks (behavior).


The behaviors and related benefits that the target audience is accustomed to Competition or may prefer over the behavior you are promoting . For example, using the elevator competes with taking the stairs because of ease and quickness .

Competition also encompasses the organizations and people who offer or promote alternatives to the desired behavior. For example, fast food restaurants offer less healthy food choices, infant formula makers promote their products to new mothers, and friends may encourage a college student to drink until drunk.

Grameen Bank: The Grameen General Credit System

The case explains Bangladesh based Grameen Bank's two microfinance models - Grameen Classic System and Grameen General System (GGS). For over two decades, Grameen Bank extended loans to poor people in Bangladesh under its Grameen Classic credit system.

In 1998, the floods ravaged the country which led to many poor people default on their loan payments. This led to the need for a new, more flexible credit system. The result was Grameen General System which allowed the borrowers to remain as the member of the bank even when they were unable to pay their loan installments.

Hansiba goes Global

Hansiba: a brand's journey from Gujarat around globe Twenty-three years back, Hansibaben was just another artisan in a little known village in Gujarat. Today, at 92, she has a cloth brand named after her which has reached such heights that international names are scurrying to have tie-ups with it.

It's a little difficult to decide which story is more amazing - that the woman after which Hansiba, as the brand is called, was 70 when the whole journey started and she is still working at innovating the traditional craft. Or that 15,000 rural women manage the entire supply chain of the company and take care of their families.

"Today we have tie-ups with international brands in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Thirty percent of our products are exported," said Reema Nanavaty, director of the NGO SEWA and the woman largely responsible for starting the Hansiba initiative.
"Our clothes have also been showcased in the Madrid fashion week and the New York fashion week," Nanavaty told IANS, sitting at her office in Ahmedabad.

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