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East Norfolk Sixth From College

Risk Assessment Form

RA Activity / Task: Frequency: Page: 1 of 1

Please ensure that ALL staff & students (where necessary) are made aware of the findings Identified hazards Who might be harmed & how? Anyone in the area, they could twist an ankle or fall over an get bruised. Anxiety, stress Injury to people What are you already doing? Making sure everything is tidy and there are no tripping hazards and if there is make sure they are marked clearly. Staying together, make sure everyone knows where to go and what theyre doing Venue supervised by own staff. Clear signage, well equipped for evacuation, Process & Procedures in line with current legislation (e.g. Fire, building, etc.). What further action is necessary? (write none if appropriate)

Tripping on wires


People getting lost Venue Emergency Evacuation

Action Plan from further action

By Who

By When (Date)

Please ensure that the Assessor and Line Manager have signed this prior to it being passed to the H&S Co-ordinator Assess ed by: Name: Signature: Assessment upon completion of action plan LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH (Delete as appropriate) Accepted Name: S Offord/Ellie Buchan by Line (delete as appropriate) Please ensure this is filled out fully and Manager: Date: Signature: Date: correctly

H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: June 2011

East Norfolk Sixth From College

Risk Assessment Form
All risk assessments are subject to an annual review by the assessor; this may be sooner subject to any significant changes to the activity / task.

H&S F03 - Rev. 12 Date: June 2011

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