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Vendor Funds Project Overview The overall purpose of this project is to provide consolidated Vendor Funds (VF) reporting

within the Consolidated Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). This will provide a single enterprise wide solution for all vendor funds, both Retail and Supply Chain. This data will empower the business with accurate and timely Vendor Funds data in their vendor negotiations from the enterprise-wide to the local level. 1. Provide for collection of all VF data (billed funds) in one location for single version of the truth reporting across the enterprise. 2. Provide the reporting of disbursed VF to the Retail Stores and Supply Chain (by vendor). 3. Provide timely and accurate reporting data, delivered to the business users in consistent metrics. This information is to be used for vendor negotiations and analysis of vendor performance. 4. Design the initial foundation through the billed (collected) and disbursed (allocated) VF data, combined with cost information, which will assist in the analysis of an individual vendors performance. 5. Define and maintain allocation rules for financial reporting which accurately reflects billed funds System test is done for three systems for schedule and History Records. 1.Billback 2. Claims 3. Jewel Billback system contains information of Legacy Supervalu Store Claims system contains information of Legacy Albertsons Store. Jewel has the information of Jewel stores. Nature of Challenges The systems have a millions of Records for history and sometime for schedule as well. To Load these many Records in the Test environment was a big challenge. As we were getting the Vendor Information there was a lot of Calculations in the column and to validate these columns with such a huge amount of Records was a challenge. We faced a lot of Issues with design and have given suggestion to make the Design change.

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