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Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'. 1. I ______ answered the question. 2. She_____ opened the window. 3.

They_____called us. 4. You____carried a box. 5. It____ rained a lot. 6. We______ washed the car. 7. He______ closed the window. 8. Jenny______ locked the door. 9. The girls ______visited the museum. 10. John and Sophie______helped in the garden. Rewrite the phrase into Present Perfect. Example: he cries - he has cried 1) we don't forget 2) he finds 3) I run 4) you bought 5) you finish 6) she plays 7) we sing 8) it rains 9) they clean 10) she doesn't know

Present Perfect by Jorge Luis Bautista Reyes is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.

Answer Sheet
Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'. 10. I have answered the question. 11. She has opened the window. 12. They have called us. 13. You have carried a box. 14. It has rained a lot. 15. We have washed the car. 16. He has closed the window. 17. Jenny has locked the door. 18. The girls have visited the museum. 10. John and Sophie have helped in the garden. Rewrite the phrase into Present Perfect. Example: he cries - he has cried 1) we don't forget 2) he finds 3) I run 4) you bought 5) you finish 6) she plays 7) we sing 8) it rains 9) they clean 10) she doesn't know We have not forgotten. He has found. I have run. You have bought. You have finished. She has played. We have sung. It has rained. They have cleaned. She has not known.

Present Perfect by Jorge Luis Bautista Reyes is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.

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