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Social and technological factors

Social trends
Social structure Dd for houses- Single parent families/Divorce rates Values -Testing of products on animals -Women having children at a older age - Flexible working hours Attitudes -Compensation for alleged wrong - Recycling - Internet/computers Tastes - Fashions Demographic trends Population location -Tendencies towards cities Population size - Birth ,death, emigration and immigration Population composition - workforce Health -Overweight/Health consciousness Wealth -Countries experiencing high rates of increase in wealth(India,brazil,Russia..) Education -Internet as a sales medium Government policy Population structure -Financial and other incentives to encourage more children -Encourage immigration e.g Canada and Australia Housing -Changing structure -Demand for builders Employment

-Single parent families, incentives for single parents to return to work, flexi-time Health Bans , restrictions, taxes and awareness Technological factors Effect of technology on businesses 1. Working from home 2. Product development 3. Product changes 4. Marketing Impact of technology on society 1. E-Commerce 2. Home shopping 3. Home banking 4. Home learning 5. Home entertainment Impact of technology on marketing 1. Pricing Pricing watch systems are IT based. 2. Promotion Use of websites 3. Distribution-direct selling on internet 4. Market research Customer database. Impact of technology on organization structure 1. Administration and management roles replaced by IT 2. Production- Move towards capital intensive 3. Communication- Use of E-Mail Impact of technology on products 1. Sophisticated 2. Substitutes- Cinema 3. Transformation- On-line banking Impact of technology on production processes 1. Use of robots 2. Efficient scheduling and monitoring Downsizing Elimination of excess processes in an organisation Delayering Elimination excess management layers Outsourcing Delegating work outside the organization e.g security

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