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They came together under a tight deadline to create a theme, title

and designate specific target groups for the Maskerad/Masked

Using seven masks from the Museum of World Culture’s collection
they decided to reinterpret and demystify them, breaking away
from a more traditional ‘ritual masks’ exhibit.
During weeks of intra-group debate and negotiation about how best
to do that, they created a body of material and educational activities
that they hoped would inspire museum visitors and our class.
They continually posed questions, such as, “How do we make this
exhibit fun and educational? How do we enhance the visitors
knowledge, but not overwhelm them with information? How do we
inspire a contemporary local Swedish audience to care about
African and Asian masks from the 19th and 20th Centuries?”
Always keeping the initial goals of this project in mind, and their
target groups, they collaborated with the Documentation and
Evaluation group to discern what the Gothenburg public wanted to
see in this exhibit.
Also, by working in collaboration with the Design team, they were
able to ensure that their texts and educational activities would
come alive through engaging sights, sounds, and a comfortable
ambiance in the exhibit.

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