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Corsair Warrant of Authority Issued by the Black Throne and Imperial Council

By the authority of the Emperor of Meztrailov, the Council of Meztrailod does henceforth bequeath this hereditary Warrant of Authority to:

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And to all in Their line, from now, unto the end of the bloodline itself. This Warrant of authority does hereby grant the authority to the individual who possesses it the right to travel beyond the legal borders of the Empire of Meztrailov, to contact other nations as such that they would be encountered, and to make War for the Glory of the Empire as they see fit. By the Authority of his Royal Majesty, this symbol of Authority and Power places the Bearer as a peer to the greater Institutions of the Empire, in mention of: The Imperial Inquisition, the Knighthood of Meztrailov, the Magian Council of Meztrailov, the Lord Knight Templar Master and Lord Knight Templars of the Knighthood, and the Royalty and Nobility.

The Authority this Warrant issues begins where the borders of the Meztrailovian Empire ends. Beyond the extent of the Black Thrones rule, The Bearer of this Warrant of Authority speaks with the full voice of the Emperor themselves. It is the bearers right, privilege and absolute duty to claim whatever lands, resources and privileges in whatever manner they feel necessary. By the Will of the Emperor and the Hand of the Council Emperor Elric Bereou The Imperial Inquisition The Imperial Council

Meztrailov-Online Corsair Writ of Authority Meztrailov Fantasy Games

Meztrailov-Online Corsair Writ of Authority Meztrailov Fantasy Games

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