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01:43 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 LET ME TALK FIRST 01:43 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 WE STARTED THEMEETING NO 01:43 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 NOW 01:43 01:43 01:43

01:43 01:44 01:44 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:44 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:44 01:45 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Indonesia]Rupesh 01:44 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:45 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:45 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:45 01:45 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:45 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:46 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:46 [Egypt]Leinster [Indonesia]Rupesh [Egypt]Leinster 01:43 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:44 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Ireland]Gsmyth

01:46 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:46 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:47 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:47 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:47 01:47 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:47 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:48 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:48 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:48 01:49 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:49 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:50 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:50 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:50 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:50 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:50 01:50 01:50 [Indonesia]Rupesh [Spain]LordKhaldun

01:51 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:51 01:51 MikhailZK MikhailZK

eIreland must have missed the dismissal. We appreciate your time. And we are eager for further talks! *** Aelagon2 joined #leftists o/ PLEASE COMRADES ._. WE HAVE 2 TOPICS IN HERE *** Aelagon2 is now known as [Italy]Aelagon 1. INITRODUCING NEW MEMBERS 2. MAKE A MILITARY ALLIANCE [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 use the +m IF SOMEONE WANT TO TALK USE o/ FIRST UNTIL ME GIVE YOUR TIME o/ [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: i'm not the owner WAIT [Indonesia]Rupesh *** FranckyM joined #leftists PLEASE KEEP SHUT IF SOMEONE TALKING UNTIL SOMEONE FINISHED IT FranckyM: USE YOUR COUNTRY ON YOUR NICK dude, say something. You are always asking people to stop talking so you can speak, but you've not said anything yet WAIT [Egypt]Leinster FIRST OF ALL THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO CAME TO THIS MEETING *** FranckyM is now known as [VEN]FranckyM WE MUST KEEP UNITE TO BUILD eCOMMUNISM IN eWORLD WE GO TO THE FIRST TOPIC 1. INTRODUCING NEW MEMBER WE HAVE 4 NEW MEMBER IN OUR COMMUNITY eCOMINTERN *** [Ireland]Gsmyth quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) I'M SORRY 5 NEW MEMBERS IT'S FROM SWEDEN,IRELAND,INDIA,SLOVAKIA, AND PORTUGAL we geting bigger day by day, month by month it's because our work together we have an idea to build a military alliance anyone want talk about this? *** MikhailZK joined #leftists o/ o/ [Indonesia]Rupesh: please comrade join LSD party! XD

01:51 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 next [Spain]LordKhaldun 01:51 01:51 01:51 01:51 01:51 01:51 01:51 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:52 01:54 [Indonesia]Rupesh so guys hello [Indonesia]Rupesh this is rupesh from pkei indonesia.. [Indonesia]Rupesh well about military.. [Indonesia]Rupesh we have app .. [Indonesia]Rupesh 10 to 15 countries.. [Indonesia]Rupesh working together.. [Egypt]Leinster o/ [Indonesia]Rupesh and app each party big or small we [Indonesia]Rupesh have [Indonesia]Rupesh 100 members in each of the party.. [Indonesia]Rupesh i catch that [Indonesia]Rupesh an app.. [Indonesia]Rupesh it might be more [Indonesia]Rupesh or smal.. [Indonesia]Rupesh so total if i calculate,, [Indonesia]Rupesh we have 10*100 [Indonesia]Rupesh 1000 members..

01:52 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 wait [Egypt]Leinster

*** Fitzgerald13 joined #leftists COMRADE, WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE LEFTIST INTERNATIONALE Topic set by kimmy96! on Wed Apr 10 2013 06:28:52 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)

01:54 01:54 01:54 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:55 01:56 01:56 01:56 01:56 01:56 01:56 01:56

Rizon [#leftists] Welcome comrade o/ Rizon [Fitzgerald13] WORKERS OF THE eWORLD UNITE !!!

+++ Rizon has given op to Fitzgerald13

[Spain]LordKhaldun me next no? [Indonesia]Rupesh lordkhaldun

*** Fitzgerald13 is now known as [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

[Indonesia]Rupesh ya u [Indonesia]Rupesh next [Spain]LordKhaldun ok

*** Abraxas_Estradis joined #leftists *** Zaphod joined #leftists

[Spain]LordKhaldun I completly agree with [Indonesia]Rupesh [Spain]LordKhaldun but I think we have to liberate eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun eNK can't be governed by thier citizens on RL

01:55 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 next [Spain]LordKhaldun 01:55 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 please

*** Abraxas_Estradis is now known as [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis

[Spain]LordKhaldun mi idea is liberate it from chinese TO [Spain]LordKhaldun and make eSoviet there

*** Zaphod is now known as [Zaphod]Zaphod

[Spain]LordKhaldun and also [Spain]LordKhaldun create ther the eInternational armedo forces

01:57 01:57 01:57 01:57 01:57 01:57 01:58 01:58 01:58 01:58 01:58 01:58 01:58

[Spain]LordKhaldun making them also the armaed forces of eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun and of course we have to create multi accounts [Spain]LordKhaldun to enter in eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun but like rupesh sais [Spain]LordKhaldun we have to think fast [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Egypt]Leinster MikhailZK MikhailZK

01:58 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

01:58 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

01:59 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 01:59 01:59 01:59 01:59 01:59 01:59 01:59 02:00 02:00 02:00 02:00 02:00 02:00 02:00 02:01 02:01 02:01 02:01 02:02 02:02 02:02 02:02 02:02 02:02 02:02 [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun 02:00 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:00 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster

*** [Zaphod]Zaphod is now known as [UK]Zaphod finish o/ [Egypt]Leinster: please I have two questions o/ the first question is for lordkhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: wait and the second for me and the answer is yes MikhailZK: put oyu country on your nick And the thing is that I dont understand why does he think that making a TO to one country can be called "liberation" that's not a legitimate act, and that is not the way in which eCommunism should spread itself *** [UK]Zaphod is now known as Zaphod o/ the second question goes to Rupesh *** Zaphod is now known as [UK]Zaphod : wait [Egypt]Leinster Why do you write two dots after every single sentence? let [Spain]LordKhaldun anser it like "hello.." finish ok

[Indonesia]Rupesh ? [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster: [Spain]LordKhaldun that's a liberation, because eNK is alredy TOed [Spain]LordKhaldun in the RL it has a communist goverment [Spain]LordKhaldun and it was created for atrackt SK citizens into the game [Egypt]Leinster then, call it a re-TO, but it's not a liberation. We shouldnt use euphemisms

02:01[Austria]madkytle_Lenin hehhehehe

*** [eUK]ACroc is now known as ACroc

[Spain]LordKhaldun I think the only way of change that [Spain]LordKhaldun is building socialism on there [Spain]LordKhaldun is a liberation [Spain]LordKhaldun because NK is socialist [Spain]LordKhaldun finish [Egypt]Leinster

it's not a liberation. It would be a liberation if the new government were formed by eNK RL citizens

02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin so 02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin what [Egypt]Leinster ? 02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin 02:03 02:03 02:03 [Spain]LordKhaldun they CAN'T play erepublik [Egypt]Leinster so? [Spain]LordKhaldun internet is not permited on there

02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin they can lord 02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin ... 02:03[Austria]madkytle_Lenin 783 north koreans use internet 02:04 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 so how to make it happen? 02:04 02:04 02:04 02:04 02:04 02:04 02:04 02:05 02:05 02:05 02:05 02:05 02:05 02:05 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:06 02:07 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:07[Austria]madkytle_Lenin 02:07 02:07 02:07 02:07 02:08 02:08 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:08 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Sina96 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Egypt]Leinster fhaemita[afk] [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster 02:04[Austria]madkytle_Lenin [Spain]LordKhaldun [Austria]madkytle_Lenin: 02:04[Austria]madkytle_Lenin lord

02:05 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

02:07 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

--- [Spain]Pabloch_II is away (Away) 783 goverment workers meh What you say is that you can take off a blind's eyes since he cannot use them [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: creating a RW the last day o/ [Egypt]Leinster: [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: please Egypt is TOed and their citizens doesn't like Now lets think about logistics I'm not for creating fakes to do like was sugested Have you asked eEgyptian citizens about it? Because I have done it before coming to eEgypt mm busy here If people get there by CS It would be a legitimate change of governament And I don't call the eEgyptian TO a "liberation". I call it a To because it is a TO yes? you ask them can I invade your country? as the "liberation" of NK that you propose, which is also a TO I don't have any korean citizen to ask and by illegal means, by the way --- [Spain]Pabloch_II is back okay stop it hrrrrrrr *** Sina96 joined #leftists o7 and another thing is that for creating a Army we would need supplies and for supplies we would need contribution from member outside the eNK finished let me explain all of you what is our military alliance first *** Sina96 is now known as CheGuevaraRS [Austria]KilleRD: will exlplain what is eComintern military alliance please [Austria]KilleRD

02:08 02:08 02:08 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:09 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:10 02:11 02:11 02:11 02:11 02:12 02:12 02:12 02:12 02:12 02:12 02:12 02:13 02:13 02:13 [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD fhaemita[afk] [Austria]KilleRD Fasisto Fasisto [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD

*** The_Taja joined #leftists

[Austria]KilleRD ok fhaemita[afk] [Austria]KilleRD fhaemita[afk] [Austria]KilleRD

02:13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:13 02:13 02:14 02:14 [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD

As former Military commander and secretary-general of Comuintern I can tell you one united military for Leftist will never work so i think we should create a comintern alliance it's wasted effort thats right fhaemita[afk] *** CheGuevaraRS left #leftists but thats because we are from different countries some belong to TWO *** Fasisto joined #leftists some to CoT correct and some to other alliances Listen to me im the boss but we can make an independent alliance *** Fasisto was kicked by [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 (Fasisto) *** [UK]Zaphod is now known as Zaphod *** [Indonesia]Sjam is now known as rxshadow *** [Indonesia]PurpleQueen quit (Quit: HAIL PKEI!!) imagine 40% of the Party presidents here are CPs of the countries *** rxshadow left #leftists (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is) we can help our friends that way *** The_Taja left #leftists we'll never have communist CPs in all of the countries but we can help militarily to those that have one we can get 1 org and donate funds to sponsor the alliance every country will help out with money, tanks or food EQUALLY! and we can react in RWs *** CheGuevaraRS joined #leftists o/ we won't be able to control everything, because won't have enough CPs --- [Austria]madkytle_Lenin is away (sorry i must leave) but we can still control parts of the countries *** [Austria]madkytle_Lenin quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) *** CheGuevaraRS is now known as [Serbia]CheGuevaraRS when we secure one region with RW other people will join wait [Brazil]Eddie_Joe that means more chances that some communist (someone that we know) will become CP who knows! its because we are small alliance, things seem impossible to us *** The_Taja joined #leftists

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[Austria]KilleRD but we can make it happen [Austria]KilleRD i'm sure we can! [Austria]KilleRD all we have to do is stick together [Austria]KilleRD thats all i have to say for now [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 are you finish comrade [Austria]KilleRD ? [Austria]KilleRD thanks [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Austria]KilleRD and thanks everyone [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: please [Brazil]Eddie_Joe I agree with most of it [Brazil]Eddie_Joe but the core of your strategy is to have a org under control [Austria]KilleRD but i'm sure there is a guy here, that u can trust [Austria]KilleRD second [Austria]KilleRD most of the MUs have daily refund [Austria]KilleRD i'm not saying we can give away weapons every day [Austria]KilleRD so that your MU can work [Austria]KilleRD if its not working good now, won't work with the weps either

*** [Indonesia]Rupesh quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

[Austria]KilleRD consider this.. as an extra weps and food [Austria]KilleRD or money [Austria]KilleRD like.. in extreme situations [Austria]KilleRD because as i said, we can't control everything [Austria]KilleRD but for example there is a critical war that brazil has to win [Austria]KilleRD we get the weps out of the org and give them to players that come on chat [Austria]KilleRD for example, here [Austria]KilleRD so we can try to win the battle [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Austria]KilleRD [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

we won't be able to win all of the battles, but with every battle won, we will become stronger more famous more people will want to join thats all [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 me [Spain]LordKhaldun: please o/ [Egypt]Leinster: wait *** [Serbia]CheGuevaraRS is now known as CheGuevaraRS the only way I saw this is that this MU mus't be located in a country otherwise it will die o/ but what country? thats why I proposed to liberate eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun: finish? no every communist can go there and it will be neutral th commander can also be changed every 2 months

02:23 02:23 02:24 02:24 02:24 02:24 02:24 02:24 02:24 02:25 02:25 02:25 02:25 02:25 02:25 02:26 02:26 02:26 02:26 02:27 02:27 02:27 02:27 02:27 02:27 02:27 02:28 02:28 02:29 02:29 02:29 02:29 02:29 02:29 02:29 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30 02:30

[Spain]LordKhaldun like in my MU [Spain]LordKhaldun now finish [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we not make a new MU [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 please [Austria]KilleRD explain this [Austria]KilleRD yes [Egypt]Leinster o/ (again) [Spain]LordKhaldun MU = the millitary alliance [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 wait [Egypt]Leinster [Austria]KilleRD no one said we'll need a MU for the alliance [Austria]KilleRD it will be like.. imaginary [Austria]KilleRD we won't have a MU [Austria]KilleRD because we can't move into 1 MU [Spain]LordKhaldun o/ (after leinster) fhaemita[afk] [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster

[Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Spain]LordKhaldun [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun

I do think we should keep this thing simple and not involve military, like I said it wont really work. Keep it to leftist things can u imagine 1000 members asking for cs in the country where the MU is? we can't but we can make an article and publish about our alliance as i said we can find an org with newspaper it will be like.. official org of our alliance after that we can choose who will have the password from it who will control it and everything finished [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 did you mean like a forum [Austria]KilleRD ? forum will do the job too why not [Egypt]Leinster: please Once more, I have two questions (in this case, they are open questions for the whole group) please 1. What do you think about imperialism-antiimperialism *** MikhailZK is now known as [Sheychelles]MikhailZK *** Revolucionarbgd joined #leftists 2. What do you think about lordkhaldun's proposal of TO over eNK that's all I offer this forum for all join and debate whatever is needed [Sheychelles]MikhailZK: we alredy have a forum we have been joining some left groups around south america with more or less success xD okay now we talk about military aliance first [Egypt]Leinster: how to make it that antiimperialism for ever how it work o/

02:31 02:31 02:31 02:31 02:31 02:31 02:32 02:32 02:32 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:33 02:34 02:34 02:34 02:34 02:34 02:34 02:34 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:35 02:36 02:36 02:36 02:36 02:36 02:36 02:36

[Spain]LordKhaldun can I go next? [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 and then we talk about TO or anything else [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 this is not we make a new MU [Egypt]Leinster Ah [Egypt]Leinster he called it "TO" too, not liberation [Egypt]Leinster WEAH! [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 wait [Egypt]Leinster fhaemita[afk] whats the forum [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 all of us already have MU [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Spain]LordKhaldun [Italy]Aelagon [Spain]LordKhaldun [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

I propose the election of a organizer for the liberation mission of eNK, now in this IRC o/ *** [Spain]Pabloch_II is now known as Pabloch_II o/ (little question) fhaemita[afk]: I propose [Egypt]Leinster as head secretariat of the eNK liberation [Spain]LordKhaldun: please in a democratical election next [Italy]Aelagon I accept mikhailzk proposal gimme the powah that alliance will not work look at the forum is dead many of you doesn't know the existance of it leinster, you can call it TO, liberation whatever you want we cant do by article or PM game [Spain]LordKhaldun *** [Austria]yst31 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) but it wouldnt be more TO than chinese [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: lets start the voting for the democratical election of the head for the eNK liberation mission? articles are already done [Spain]LordKhaldun: [Sheychelles]MikhailZK: sorry first we have to decide if we start the liberation finish okay but will be easier If we elect someone for have the initiative of the organization of proposals, etc... we take vote about TO eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun: [Austria]KilleRD:

02:36 02:36 02:36 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:37 02:38 02:38 02:38 02:38 02:38 02:38 02:39 02:39 02:39 02:39 02:39 02:39 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:40 02:41 02:41 02:41 02:42 02:43 02:43

[Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster: [Spain]LordKhaldun tell me [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Italy]Aelagon: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 fhaemita[afk]: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Chile]Psycokenin: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [eSpain]Almenar: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [VEN]FranckyM: [eSpain]Almenar :* [Austria]KilleRD [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: can i say smth about that "liberation" before i go? [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Agila: [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 sure [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD i think its good that we want to save a country from PTO [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 and explain to the point once again what kind of military alliance [Austria]KilleRD as long as we do it without multies.. [Austria]KilleRD PTOs are dangerous [Austria]KilleRD and we can lose more than we can get

*** Aleju joined #leftists

[Austria]KilleRD and what we want to get is NK freedom [Austria]KilleRD so i'll vote yes [Austria]KilleRD i'd love to help [Egypt]Leinster not NK's freedom, what we get is a country to manipulate [Egypt]Leinster not its freedom [Austria]KilleRD but i want to ask all of you what u think about the military alliance? [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 please we tallk about military alliance first [Austria]KilleRD we can make a commission if u want

*** Aleju is now known as [Angola]Aleju

[Austria]KilleRD lets vote [Austria]KilleRD yes/no [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we already have a commmission [Austria]KilleRD [Austria]KilleRD just to see where do we stand [Austria]KilleRD well yeah

*** CheGuevaraRS left #leftists

[Sheychelles]MikhailZK yes for the commission [Sheychelles]MikhailZK lets choose the secretary for the eNK liberation mission [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we already have Central Committee eComintern

i can't vote for my party, everything is decided with forum survey in our party.
[Italy]Aelagon But my question is: what is the aim of this Red alliance? free the world form

imperialism? Substain all the RW in the word? What is the "big plan"?
[Brazil]Eddie_Joe I'll vote no for the eNK proposal if there is the use of fakes

the big plan is to show our existance, eComintern existance in erepublik.

[Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 erepublik is war game...we must show ecomintern to the whole eWorld

[Sheychelles]MikhailZK If we have Central Commitee eComintern, and they are not deciding to

organize this liberation of eNK

02:43 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK lets decide here in a open votation the eNK liberation mission commitee



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[Angola]Aleju [Egypt]Leinster fhaemita[afk] [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

fhaemita[afk] fhaemita[afk] [Sheychelles]MikhailZK [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Austria]Lenin_madkytle fhaemita[afk] fhaemita[afk] fhaemita[afk] fhaemita[afk] [Egypt]Leinster [Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Italy]Aelagon [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster

I do think before we take any action we need to get organised because do we have a forum? Do we have goals? Do we have leadership Do we have any sort of setup of comintern? From what I see it's just a lot of people shouting what they want and very non organised the big plan is to show our existance, eComintern existance in erepublik. erepublik is war game...we must show ecomintern to the whole eWorld fhaemita[afk] sighs caa aqu let's be honest things going like this, comintern is going nowhere that's why we want to make a military alliance if someone wants to get organised, he or she can become right winged leftists have never organised themselves and we will never do it xD we make military alliance to make some rebel war help each other in a war *** [Angola]Aleju left #leftists *** [Austria]Lenin_madkytle joined #leftists some organisation is always needed is some form agree agree *** [Austria]Lenin_madkytle quit () we already have it comrade fhaemita[afk] the highet commision is Central Committee *** [Austria]Lenin_madkytle joined #leftists it's have representative fromeach party member hey... i am back was showering doesn't look like it any organisation anyway good luck *** fhaemita[afk] left #leftists o/ did sth special happenend [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 ? o/ o/ Morover i think lord he's right... in my opinion without a block of Red country this project will fail. [Egypt]Leinster: I've had an idea please what do you think about the possibility of creating a single MU for the movemnt

02:49 02:49 02:49 02:49 02:50 02:50 02:50 02:50 02:50 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:52 02:52 02:52 02:52 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:53 02:54 02:54 02:54

[Egypt]Leinster BUT [Egypt]Leinster in an unconventional way [Egypt]Leinster we could create a MU in every country in which we have presence [Egypt]Leinster that would be the local branch of the movement [Austria]Lenin_madkytle nice [Egypt]Leinster like autonomous branches of the army [Egypt]Leinster and then we create a massmp in which all the commanders are present [Egypt]Leinster i.e: [Austria]Lenin_madkytle i agree [Egypt]Leinster we create the "Red Forces" [Egypt]Leinster I create the "Egyptian red forces" [Egypt]Leinster [Chile]Psycokenin creates the Chilean Red Forces [Egypt]Leinster etc. [Egypt]Leinster but we all coordinate in a single irc channel, massmp and so on [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 how about iif the party already have a MU ? [Austria]Lenin_madkytle naah [Austria]Lenin_madkytle not red forces [Austria]Lenin_madkytle red forces sounds meh [Austria]Lenin_madkytle how about red ARMY [Egypt]Leinster that was just an example [Egypt]Leinster xD [Egypt]Leinster not the real name of the MU [Austria]Lenin_madkytle nobody has the reason to build a communist mu. [Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 how about if every party members give one MU to this military alliance [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we have 25 party members, so we will have 25 MU in eComintern [Egypt]Leinster that's what I said, fitzgerald [Egypt]Leinster ._. [Austria]Lenin_madkytle ._. [Sheychelles]MikhailZK federation of soviet MU's [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 but it's not must a new MU [Egypt]Leinster well, I proposed one MU per country [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 if the party already have a MU they can be [Austria]Lenin_madkytle Sheychelles exist in erep? [Austria]Lenin_madkytle

02:54 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK in some days yes xD 02:54[Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Sheychelles]MikhailZK: where are you really from in erep 02:54 02:54 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK 02:54 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK 02:55[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 02:55[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 02:55[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 02:55 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:55 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK 02:55 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

*** [Austria]KilleRD quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) Egypt LSD party LSD... seems legit :P okay back to the topic XD take vote now

02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 every party must give one MU to eComintern Millitary alliance 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Austria]Lenin_madkytle: 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster: 02:56 02:56 02:56 [Egypt]Leinster no, no [Egypt]Leinster every country [Egypt]Leinster otherwise it will be a mess 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK:

02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Spain]LordKhaldun: 02:56[Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we will make one but not now.... 02:56 02:56 02:56 [Spain]LordKhaldun yes? [Spain]LordKhaldun sorry [Egypt]Leinster give several options 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis:

02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Chile]Psycokenin: 02:56 02:56 [Spain]LordKhaldun I returne right now [Egypt]Leinster a) one MU per country.

02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [eSpain]Almenar: 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [VEN]FranckyM: 02:56 02:56 02:56 02:57 02:57 02:57 [Spain]LordKhaldun returned* [eSpain]Almenar :* [Egypt]Leinster b) one MU per party [Egypt]Leinster c) no military organisation [VEN]FranckyM A [Egypt]Leinster a 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd:

02:57[Austria]Lenin_madkytle ... 02:57[Austria]Lenin_madkytle A

02:57 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK A 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd: 02:57 02:57 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe a [eSpain]Almenar A 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Pabloch_II: 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Simon136: 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 za 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Zaphod: 02:57 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 ACroc: 02:58 02:58 [Spain]LordKhaldun 02:59[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 02:59 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:59 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:59 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 02:59 02:59 02:59 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

02:59 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

*** Pabloch_II left #leftists let me time to read all this hmmmm [Spain]LordKhaldun: quickly we take vote a ,b,c ? what? resume ? 02:56 [Egypt]Leinster a) one MU per country. 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13



02:59[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 02:59 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK 03:00 03:00 03:00 03:00 03:00 [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster

03:00 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:00 03:01 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:01 [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis 03:01[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:01[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:01[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:01[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:02 03:02 03:02 03:02 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster

03:02 [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis 03:02 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:02 [Egypt]Leinster 03:02 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:02 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:02 Revolucionarbgd 03:02[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:02[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:02[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:03 03:03 03:03 Revolucionarbgd Revolucionarbgd Revolucionarbgd

03:03 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:03 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 Revolucionarbgd Revolucionarbgd [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster Revolucionarbgd [Egypt]Leinster

[eSpain]Almenar: 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [VEN]FranckyM: 02:56 [Spain]LordKhaldun returned* 02:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd: 02:56 [eSpain]Almenar :* 02:56 [Egypt]Leinster b) one MU per party 02:57 [Austria]Lenin_madkytle ... 02:57 [Egypt]Leinster c) no military orga we are voting among these options: still A dabai dabai a) create one MU per country for the federation (every MU would be a branch of the movement) an eNK liberation-TO ? b) create one MU per party to join the movement c) create no MUs for the movement we talk about military alliance first [Spain]LordKhaldun and then the other topics ok I think B is the best option b why b guys look to us austrians we have two parties and only 18 members around per party 2 MU's A ok, so 6A, 1B 7A, 1B 2b 7 A, 2 B true Revolucionarbgd: ACroc: Yes? A b or c ... vote I cannot vote here. Because it isn't same with the situation in eSerbia. We already have 2 MU. we not make a new MU Revolucionarbgd we can use ou MU party You mean to create one MU for every Left-wing erepublik player? Or one MU per country? country or party could you read what is written, Revolucionarbgd? ._. a) one per country We have 2 MU already. b) one per party


[Egypt]Leinster c) no MU at all

03:05[Austria]Lenin_madkytle Revolucionarbgd: 03:05[Austria]Lenin_madkytle naah 03:05 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 we can create new or use already MU Revolucionarbgd 03:05[Austria]Lenin_madkytle per country per party or nothing 03:05 03:05 03:05 03:05 Revolucionarbgd I cannot make anyone dissolve their MU. Revolucionarbgd We already have 2 MU in eSerbia. Revolucionarbgd I cannot vote for these options. [Egypt]Leinster ._.

03:06[Austria]Lenin_madkytle mehehehhehehe 03:06 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 not make new Revolucionarbgd 03:06 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 -__-" 03:06 [Egypt]Leinster and where's the problem with you having already two MU? [Egypt]Leinster you can transform one of the MUs, or to create a new one [Egypt]Leinster as you please Revolucionarbgd Well you asked me to vote to have one per party, one per country or no MU. Revolucionarbgd Well I vote that we have 2 MU per party and country.

03:06 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 you can using your already MU Revolucionarbgd 03:06 03:06 03:06 03:06

03:07 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 XD 03:07 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 okay Revolucionarbgd give us 2 MU 03:07 03:07 03:08 03:08 Revolucionarbgd Revolucionarbgd Revolucionarbgd These are the MU of my party. Revolucionarbgd So I cannot vote on this option.

03:08[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:08 03:08 03:08 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:09 03:10 03:10 03:10 03:11 03:11 03:11 [Egypt]Leinster why not? [Egypt]Leinster i don't see the problem Revolucionarbgd How to vote to have ONE MU when we have TWO???

*** Tiresias|BNC is now known as Tiresias|aki_senando_killo

[Egypt]Leinster because you are voting to INCORPORATE one MU to the movement [Egypt]Leinster not to create it because it's funny to create a MU [Spain]LordKhaldun incorporate [Spain]LordKhaldun i think [Egypt]Leinster but to join one MU into the movement so it becomes a branch of it Revolucionarbgd How am I suppose to make members of one MU To incorporate to another??? [Egypt]Leinster the other MU can exist and there's no problem with that [Egypt]Leinster oh god [Egypt]Leinster ok, as you wish

*** [ARG]Abraxas_Estradis quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

[Egypt]Leinster xD Revolucionarbgd OK Revolucionarbgd These two are from eSerbia. [Spain]LordKhaldun Spain too

03:11 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 okay Revolucionarbgd give us 2 MU

03:11 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 austria can give us 1 03:12 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 okay spain 1

03:12 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 chile? [Chile]Psycokenin 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:12 03:13 03:13 03:13 03:13 03:13 03:13 03:13 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 03:14 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster JulianCaesar [Spain]LordKhaldun JulianCaesar [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe

*** The_Taja left #leftists

[Spain]LordKhaldun [Italy]Aelagon: italy? [Egypt]Leinster my MU is from Spain [Spain]LordKhaldun [VEN]FranckyM: Venezuela? [Egypt]Leinster I've recently moved to Egypt [VEN]FranckyM yeah [Italy]Aelagon [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster

03:12 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Egypt]Leinster: ? 03:12[Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: thx 03:12 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [VEN]FranckyM: ?

italy already has a "red" MU but i'm not a member xD i can't decide for them! xD [VEN]FranckyM: es un histrico del PCeE! lordkhaldun, una pregunta la MU que propones *** Zaphod left #leftists es la del PCeE? [Egypt]Leinster: no tiene porque The Brazilian Red Army has to have a vote about this *** JulianCaesar joined #leftists habra que hablarlo todo con todos yo puedo hablar con mis chicos del GHA Hello ok What is going on here? yo hablo con el FP

[Egypt]Leinster el motivo de nuestra existencia es en teora el de este movimiento [VEN]FranckyM I can talk for two MU [Spain]LordKhaldun FPR* [VEN]FranckyM MERC [Spain]LordKhaldun y se ve todo [VEN]FranckyM wich I am Commander

03:14 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 at 03:14 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 tt 03:14 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 t 03:14 03:15 03:15 03:15 [Egypt]Leinster ok [VEN]FranckyM and MVR [VEN]FranckyM the MU of my Party JulianCaesar Yo antes era presidente del CPUSA

03:16 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 JulianCaesar: give me your char link? 03:16 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 okay so we agreed to make this military alliance 03:16[Austria]Lenin_madkytle oh my 03:16 JulianCaesar

03:16 03:16 03:16

[Egypt]Leinster do we have a massmp?

*** JulianCaesar quit ()

[Egypt]Leinster if yes, can anyone include me on it?

03:17 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 it can be 1 MU from 1 country, 1 MU from Party, 2 MU from 1 party, or anything 03:17 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 just fllow the situation of each party and cuntry 03:17 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 it can be 1 MU from 1 country, 1 MU from Party, 2 MU from 1 party, or anything 03:17 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 just fllow the situation of each party and cuntry 03:18 03:18 03:19 03:19 03:19 03:19 03:19 03:19 03:19 [Egypt]Leinster Do we have a forum? [Egypt]Leinster I think we should have one, since once we have created the MUs [VEN]FranckyM one for country [Egypt]Leinster we will need to choose a cabinet to coordinate us [VEN]FranckyM and when the admins create [VEN]FranckyM CUBA [VEN]FranckyM we all go there [VEN]FranckyM that's my eR dream since five years ago [VEN]FranckyM xD

03:19[Austria]Lenin_madkytle sure 03:19 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 i will send PM to each PP to know how many they will send MU to eCOmintern

03:19[Austria]Lenin_madkytle haha 03:19 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 lol 03:19[Austria]Lenin_madkytle my erep Dream is ... Antarctica 03:20[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:20 03:20 03:20 03:20 03:20 03:21 [Italy]Aelagon i will propose this alliance to the italian MU. We have to vote about this. [Italy]Aelagon [VEN]FranckyM *_* [Egypt]Leinster the idea is that we must change the MUs names [Egypt]Leinster so we all have a common image for the movement [Italy]Aelagon but i don't think the mu would change its name

03:20 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 sure [Italy]Aelagon

03:20 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 hmmm 03:21[Austria]Lenin_madkytle and we shall have a song

*** Pabloch_II joined #leftists

03:21[Austria]Lenin_madkytle how about the international? 03:21[Austria]Lenin_madkytle or 03:21[Austria]Lenin_madkytle .g der heimliche aufmarsch 03:21


[Google] Der heimliche Aufmarsch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( [Google] Description: Der heimliche Aufmarsch (English: "The Secret Internets Deployment") is a poem by Erich Weinert with music by Hanns Eisler, written in 1929. In 1931, Ernst Busch sang ...
Internets [Egypt]Leinster as I said before, something like "eAustrian Red Army", "eSpanish Red Army"... [Egypt]Leinster yeah, that would be great, lenin [Egypt]Leinster

03:21[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:22 03:22 03:22 03:23 03:23

03:22 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 wait how about if they wont to change their original name?

*** Pabloch_II is now known as cena *** cena is now known as Paboch-cena

03:23 03:23

[Egypt]Leinster then, the movement won't be cohesioned [Egypt]Leinster we won't have a common image for the rest of the eWorld recognise us

03:23[Austria]Lenin_madkytle how about we only want to add "red" first 03:24 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 i agree with [Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:24 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 how about the others? 03:25 03:25 03:26 03:26 03:26 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe And use the country language for the Red Army [Brazil]Eddie_Joe ? [Egypt]Leinster for me that would be ok [Egypt]Leinster to me* [Brazil]Eddie_Joe Exercito Vermelho = Red Army

03:26 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 what is red in your language [Brazil]Eddie_Joe ?

03:26[Austria]Lenin_madkytle [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: 03:26[Austria]Lenin_madkytle naah 03:26 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe 03:26[Austria]Lenin_madkytle only if you want 03:27[Austria]Lenin_madkytle because that sounds a bit nationalist 03:27[Austria]Lenin_madkytle to make only ours 03:27[Austria]Lenin_madkytle to offend the new who doesnt speak portuguese a.e. 03:27 03:27 03:27 03:27 [Spain]LordKhaldun and my purpose? [Egypt]Leinster or we could use speranto [Egypt]Leinster xD [Egypt]Leinster yeah

03:27 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK esperanto for all

03:27 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK agree 03:27 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK lets vote 03:27 [Sheychelles]MikhailZK XD 03:27[Austria]Lenin_madkytle not esperanto 03:27 [Egypt]Leinster why not? 03:27 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 i use RED 03:27[Austria]Lenin_madkytle .P 03:27 [Egypt]Leinster there is no cultural charge in Esperanto 03:28 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 i choose RED 03:28[Austria]Lenin_madkytle esperanto is a bid stupid 03:28 [Egypt]Leinster no nationalisms 03:28[Austria]Lenin_madkytle i would use internationalism 03:28[Austria]Lenin_madkytle naah 03:28[Austria]Lenin_madkytle wait 03:28[Austria]Lenin_madkytle i check for correct name of language 03:28 03:28 03:28 03:28 03:28 03:29 03:29

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[Egypt]Leinster lenin, we mean to translate "red army" into esperanto

*** [Italy]Aelagon quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)

[Egypt]Leinster esperanto, the language

*** [Sheychelles]MikhailZK left #leftists

[Egypt]Leinster not to take "esperanto" as the name

*** Paboch-cena is now known as Pabloch_II 03:29 [Egypt]Leinster esperanto is an artificial language, created with pieces of many language 03:29 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 how abou if every soldiers must put eComintern logo in their char?


*** Fitzgerald13 joined #leftists COMRADE, WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL OF THE LEFTIST INTERNATIONALE Topic set by kimmy96! on Wed Apr 10 2013 06:28:52 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)

03:34 03:34

Rizon [#leftists] Welcome comrade o/ [Egypt]Leinster ostia bat emango disu

03:34[Austria]Lenin_madkytle and Antzerkia and Kirolak do i dont know 03:34[Austria]Lenin_madkytle that is euskara 03:34 03:34 [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster: [Spain]LordKhaldun no te ha entendido nadie del canal...


03:34 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35 03:35 03:35 03:35 03:35 [Egypt]Leinster

Kulturo Arto Bildliteraturo Danco Esperantokulturo Hobioj Kino Kuirarto Lingvoj Literaturo Mitologio Muziko Religio Sporto Teatro Turismo Videoludoj *** Fitzgerald13 is now known as [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 here is Esperanto so VOTE es lo nico que s decir en euskera y no s ni si se dice as

[Egypt]Leinster lol [Egypt]Leinster a) esperanto [Egypt]Leinster b) euskara (lol) [Egypt]Leinster A

03:35 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 so which one we use it?

03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35 [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35 03:35 03:35 03:35 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:35[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:36 03:36 03:36 [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun

Your language (A), a communist language (b), english (c), esperanto (d) or Euskara (e) [Egypt]Leinster: ... c) Your language (A), a communist language (b), english (c), esperanto (d) or Euskara (e) *** [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 is now known as Fitzgerald13 communist language? u mad no cabrera no vote +++ Rizon has given op to Fitzgerald13 russian or german

ACroc Proto-Indo European plox ACroc

*** Fitzgerald13 is now known as

03:36 03:36 03:36 03:36 [Egypt]Leinster german, communist? [Egypt]Leinster wtf [Egypt]Leinster xD [Spain]LordKhaldun what lenguage they speak in Albania? 03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle or spanish for america

03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle leinster 03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle -.03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle karl marx? 03:36 03:36 03:36 03:36 03:36 [Egypt]Leinster albanian ACroc albanian [Spain]LordKhaldun so [Spain]LordKhaldun albanian [Brazil]Eddie_Joe Portuguese or Atlantean

03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle Karl liebknecht 03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle rosa luxemburg 03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle ... 03:36[Austria]Lenin_madkytle how about these people 03:36 03:36 03:36 03:36 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:37 03:38 [Spain]LordKhaldun Friederich Engels [Spain]LordKhaldun [Austria]Lenin_madkytle: ACroc ACroc [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:37 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13


03:38[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:38[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:38 03:38 03:38 03:38 [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Egypt]Leinster [VEN]FranckyM [VEN]FranckyM

03:38[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:38[Austria]Lenin_madkytle lets all learn ancient indoeuropean what is communist language? lenin it's stupid to talk about communist languages I born the same day of Engels languages have no ideals it is people who possess those ideals and use them "communist languages" lol ... I propose to use spanish Your language (A), Russian or german (b), english (c), esperanto (d) or Euskara (e) easy A A I was born the same day that Queen of England xD E

03:39 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 C 03:39[Austria]Lenin_madkytle fitzy slap the others 03:40[Austria]Lenin_madkytle please 03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 whoose?

03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 ACroc: 03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [Chile]Psycokenin: 03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 [eSpain]Almenar: 03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd: 03:40 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Agila: 03:42 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 .................................................... 03:42 03:42 03:42 03:42 03:42 03:43 03:43 03:43 [Spain]LordKhaldun C [Spain]LordKhaldun nono [Spain]LordKhaldun d [Spain]LordKhaldun sorry [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: [Spain]LordKhaldun and my proposal? [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13:

03:44 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:44 03:45 03:45 03:45 03:45 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:46 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 03:47 [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:45 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13



how about if we make RW in there [Spain]LordKhaldun *** Pabloch-cena is now known as Pabloch_II thats my idea but we need to have accounts in there accounts with no referrer for what [Spain]LordKhaldun ? and no economic trade liberating and get control of eNK *** Aelagon joined #leftists because he still insists on TOving eNK xD I like it ok, we can vote i it think that: we will have a country a) we make a TO on NK, create multies and everyting that lordkhaldun says we can show the communist power [Spain]LordKhaldun: [Egypt]Leinster: * sorry b) we do not make a TO on NK I'm not proposing to create multis only if you want yes, you did no C I'm not forcing anyone how are you getting into north korea without those multies? we make a to on nk without multies

03:48 03:48 03:48 03:48 03:48

[Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster: [Spain]LordKhaldun not every of us want to create multis [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:48 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:48 03:48 03:48 03:48 03:49 03:49 03:49 03:49 [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:49 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:49 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:49 03:49 03:49 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:50 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 [Spain]LordKhaldun 03:51 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 03:51[Austria]Lenin_madkytle 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:51 03:52 [Spain]LordKhaldun [VEN]FranckyM [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun LordKhaldun LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Brazil]Eddie_Joe [Spain]LordKhaldun

03:51 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

*** Steeeev joined #leftists only few people [Austria]Lenin_madkytle: i agree without multies well, maybe they do not create those multies, but they would be accomplices how? [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: how? and someone will need to create multies in order to make a TO [Egypt]Leinster: I will do we make our military alliance and Tiresias|aki_senando_killo also and then we RW in NK so: a) we make a TO on eNK and some of us create multies b) we do not make a TO on eNK b B A *** [Spain]LordKhaldun is now known as LordKhaldun .mass shit *** LordKhaldun is now known as [Spain]LordKhaldun [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: [Austria]Lenin_madkytle: Aelagon: [Chile]Psycokenin: [eSpain]Almenar: *** Pabloch_II left #leftists [VEN]FranckyM: i want RW in NK A [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13: ? 3 A, 1 B and how can get it without multies? rebel war 2A 2B and then?

03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:52 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:53 03:54 03:54 03:54 03:55 03:55 03:55 03:55 03:55 03:55 03:56 03:56 03:56 03:56 03:56 03:57

[Egypt]Leinster no, dude [Spain]LordKhaldun chinese will no give us any CZ [Egypt]Leinster ah, eddie voted B [Egypt]Leinster lol [Egypt]Leinster 2 A, 2B then

*** [eSpain]Almenar is now known as Almenar

[Spain]LordKhaldun 3A 2B [Spain]LordKhaldun Aelagon: [Egypt]Leinster 3A (you all will be guilty), 2B [Spain]LordKhaldun Almenar: Almenar A

03:52 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 A

03:53 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Steeeev:

03:53 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Revolucionarbgd:

*** Pabloch_II joined #leftists

[Spain]LordKhaldun 4A 2B Pabloch_II ok [Spain]LordKhaldun A) [Spain]LordKhaldun TOing eNK [Spain]LordKhaldun B) [Spain]LordKhaldun NO [Brazil]Eddie_Joe B [Spain]LordKhaldun Pabloch_II: Pabloch_II B [Spain]LordKhaldun vote [Spain]LordKhaldun [Brazil]Eddie_Joe: [Spain]LordKhaldun you alredy vote [Spain]LordKhaldun 4A 3B [Egypt]Leinster 4A, 3B [Spain]LordKhaldun ACroc: ? [Spain]LordKhaldun Revolucionarbgd: ?

03:53 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Pabloch_II:

03:54 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13 Steeeev:

*** Aelagon left #leftists

[Spain]LordKhaldun Tiresias|aki_senando_killo: ?

come on, vote so we can decide whether the

[Egypt]Leinster international leftist parties are guilty of following

mean ways of achieving the power or not

[Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster:

[Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster [Egypt]Leinster

03:56 [Indonesia]Fitzgerald13

*** Tiresias|aki_senando_killo is now known as Tiresias this already done okay i think we know the result te falta un verbo auxiliar this is* 4-3 is not enough to determine the resoults one vote difference

03:57 03:57 03:57 03:57 03:57 03:57 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58 03:58

[Spain]LordKhaldun sorry [Egypt]Leinster ._. [Egypt]Leinster result* [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster: [Spain]LordKhaldun ok, we will wait [Egypt]Leinster seguramente gane la opcin A [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster [Spain]LordKhaldun [Egypt]Leinster

a la gente le mueve ms la codicia y el poder que los ideales, de todos modos esto son ideas justicia y libertad un pas comunista dentro de eRepublik un uego capitalista justicia y libertad es TOvear un partido? juego* facepalm

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